The Ja Rule of Kinja


I appreciate that they are trying to reduce the overcrowding. Centurion access is one of the big perks for me pre-pandemic, but traveling on the tail end of this pandemic, it seems like the lounges are busier than before. Was AmEx just giving out Platinum card willy-nilly during the paninni? Keep in mind, off-peak is

I just wanna know if the actor came from around the building as if nothing happened.

“Fauci is expected not to return to the NIH until he tests negative for the virus.”

Gone up to $25k” is not the same thing as “increased by $25k Per car".

Being a niche consumer product company, that is generally thought of as innovative and highly profitable, with a solid sales base and the ability to dictate how your product is used all the time is something lots of companies want for themselves.

And the BuzzFeedification of Gizmodo continues.

Pretty much agree. Full Stop.
But could you imagine watching a movie where the main character is the 7th most important/interesting character on the screen? Like a single 15 minute scene of heroes heroing and then Saitama comes in, one punches, leaves and you don’t see him for another 20 minutes. Critics would lose

Would You Buy the World’s First Laptop With an E-Paper Screen?”

The reasons for Kamala being an outcast sometimes come across as very broad in the writing.

Just trying to figure out why a joke of bigotry is somehow warrants being attacked over, but a joke over someones health issue doesn’t. Asking the question doesn’t constitute a defense, so calm down. It does however seem to appear that you do condone violence against someone that doesn’t share your worldview. That’s

I don’t think people really blame her so much as they recognize the environment she has contributed to. I think people saw Will’s initial response, and Jada’s reaction. I think a lot of folks in long term relationships recognized that look and empathized with the .3 seconds of every previous argument culminating into

And Chappelle wasn’t attacked for a series of “bad jokes”?

I’m not sure how I feel about holding Twitter responsible for “what it knew” when the government had the same information. I’d probably feel differently if the government didn’t know what was planned to happen on Jan 6th.

Is the message being sent to black women: “Don’t lie about your contributions to a physically and emotionally toxic and abusive relationship?”

What was the argument for this not happening?

The energy needed to heat it can be solar. I imagine it’s not that hard to get 140 in the desert with a few small mirrors.

How is this legal? I mean I guess I have the same question about $100k+ supercars too. I guess I assumed there was some carbon tax associated with them.

This is the only solution to sequestering CO2 I’m willing to be ok with spending 3.5 billion on.

LOL @ First World Lust.