The Ja Rule of Kinja

Cool. Everything is fine.

Ugh. Totally missed the New York part.  

I willing to bet that since it is pretty much anywhere, not the United States, that the insurance isn't going to be a problem.

This sounds like an inbreed problem.

“Trying to convince her to sell, but everything we would realistically replace it with is similarly overpriced, and it’s a good car.”

There’s also always someone in the comments thinking they are immensely more qualified to tell you what is a better purchase for you.

I mean...it’s right there in the article. They are not banning something that shows the horrors of capitalism.

“bringing a small EV shitbox here would be a guaranteed failure

What? Are you trying to say “Not enough Americans are buying subcompacts from a single manufacturer to warrant them manufacturer to continue production”. That is not the same thing as saying Americans don’t want X.

And we are tired of hearing you repeat something that doesn't speak for all Americans. My assumption is that you live in some rural or suburb area where the MAJORITY of Americans don't live. I'd be happy with a small city transit vehicle for my family of 4 to accompany my larger SUV for longer distances. 

Because no one says his name.

Did Battlefield peak at BF3? That’s the last one I played and liked I think. After that i remember it being kinda COD-ish

Is it possible your browser isn’t rendering fully? Or did they fix the photo?

I’d argue that this is an appropriate use of the slideshow for once. Just wish there was a write up for each.

Jezebel, meeting the post quota by trying to inform people how they should feel about a thing. It’s a bullet proof formula.
Find subject celebrity that is down; intentionally read too far into a routine action of theirs, add click-baity title and Voila!
Tons of engagement about to foolishness of the article is

Looool. Short Memory.

The Village, Ta Lo, as explained in the movie exists in an interdimentional plane between the MCU world and the dimension with the soul suckers.
We know that they are at least mildly aware of the MCU dimension/world because that one dude said “Take your car and leave” or something to that effect.
But you are correct

Just now realizing they didn’t really give that white dude a name in this movie. BWAHAHAHA