The Ja Rule of Kinja

I literally said, “other than the gent that mentioned that this settlement ins under State and not Federal.”

everyone else in the comments is hung up on whether or not employees should or shouldn’t be paid for company work.

Again, the context here isn’t what the core issue is. It’s how the core issue in this case is different from the core issue in the Amazon case. It’s like y’all are just responding to the person directly above you while ignoring that this is a thread. 

No one here doesn’t understand the point.
no one here can seem to reconcile how this is different from the Amazon case other than the gent that mentioned that this settlement ins under State and not Federal. 

De-Buzzfeedify Gizmodo!

I’m sure the lack of attention had nothing to do with the risk of firing if you don’t maximize every second of your working day for Amazon. 

Lol. I was more wondering why the choice of the ebrake button for pretending. 

Sorry mate. You must have thought all the other cues needed to translate the nuance of sarcasm are communicated through your simple 4 word question.

Simply naming a thing is enough to encourage discourse, sir.

Accurate per usual.

Man. Do y’all have a quota? Cuz this is dumb. You are implying that it would be better either to not use the fridges at all during the conference or for them to trash the existing ones and used better ones. This fridge was manufactured in 2017. It's far too late for this fridge to not contribute close to what will be

Technically speaking your HD/SD card is  a hard copy. 

Because you are parked at a standstill wishing the car in front of you would disappear? Or because the brake makes that great "shruuuut" noise? Or both?

The cost benefit analysis doesn't necessarily ignore that risk. Tradeoffs include anti theft, police escape, cuckolded husband escape, bank heisting. 


Maybe the problem is that the illusion in your head of the people around you prevents you from having actual conversations with the very people you are trying to characterize.
My current Twitter echo chamber includes neither poor edits of Libs pwning conservatives or vice versa. So, can’t relate mate.

I’d say this is

citation required.

I am not a white dude in upper west side New York that thinks it’s my job to dissect every Kanye verse and Kanye-splain everything to a person that tells me they don’t like or get Kanye.

That being said. I love Kanye. 90% of Kanye’s catalog, I think is either the work of a creative genius or shows those glimpses. The

I think too many people think their echo chamber is larger than it is and represents more peoples desires than reality.
Those communities that want change, find ways to make those changes.
Looks at DC or this project in Houston. My comment was about broad strokes.

What is the basis of your definition of “safe”?