The Ja Rule of Kinja

That is a double edged stat. If “everybody” is riding bicycles and accidents will happen regardless of the mode of transportation then it makes sense that those deaths are of cyclists.

A more relevant stat would be the number of bicycle deaths cause by motor vehicles.

Ditto on the “Haha”. It is FAR to late to change the culture in America, let alone TEXAS.

TL you obviously DR- “Scam” is relative. Crypto is not unique even in it’s stability. 

You really gonna stan for the status quo, huh?
If level of effort to collapse in value is your base line, you really are not the “lick of sense” target demo of my reply.
Remember Brexit?
Hell, you don’t even have to look for an economic collapse to see the point. How much is the Iranian Riel worth?

Everyone with a lick of sense understands that crypto is a get-rich-quick scam for the people who founded it”
Absolutely Correct!
The counter argument however, is that anyone with a lick of critical thought, understands that crypto is not unique in this regard. And that the everyday tokens of capitalism via, the stock

You do realize by now, today, 11/01/2022 that you chose the absolute worst hill to make this particular stand on right?

It’s not pedantic to point out that you are painting with a broad stroke. I hate that I have to think you are an idiot for trying to correlate a comment with a “legal code” either. You said it should be illegal. Own it and stop blaming other people for your poor written communication.

Here’s my shot at an explanation. It starts with the fact that the sidewalk is an actual ramp into the bollards on the left. As evidenced by the fact all of the vehicles are having incidents on the left side of the vehicle. Coupled with the fact that drivers in the UK will have a right side bias, in that they can

This article doesn’t even touch on the real meat of the Zillow business model. It’s not just about flipping houses. It’s about buying 10 similar homes for a price...say 100K  in a market at low prices, spending $25k to really fix up one of those homes and selling it for 300k. That way, when they put the other 9 houses

Not all the reasons it is harder to buy a house these days are necessarily bad. I think we generally raise a stick about it because we are still tied to the idea that “ownership” is the ultimate goal. 

I’m sure there is a correlation between the Federal incentives for homeownership and the idea of creating “patriots”

+/-%65 of people own their homes. Surely not all of those homes were purchased in the last 20 years and a good chunk of that ownership is inherited. 

I think this is a strong opinion, weakly held. You are saying that a partnership of 2 friends (that form an LLC) or a spousal couple for that matter (both of which meet the definition of “non-individual”) should not be allowed to buy a single family, period. Sure, you might mean something else, but that’s what you

Thank you for your kind words of sympathy, sir. 😂🤣😂

I’ve replaced my original new Pixel With a Pixel XL and currently a Pixel 3 XL all used from ebay, because i do silly things like weld and let the splatter crack my screen, kayak without protection, or sleepily drop a hammer on it (yes, that is literally how I have destroyed them). They all perform exactly as they did

come si, come sa; same same
The way I see it, legislatures are not oblivious to the fact that the model harms customers. 

I’m honestly sorry. I don’t really feel any different about this song vs. Age Ain’t Nothing But A Number or that line from BBD’s “Do Me”.
My wife was pretty puzzled that they made a whole song and even titled it on the penal code. Given Saadiq is one of the best song writers out there,  I’d actually love to hear the

Wait.....this is the business model states are trying to prop up?

I mean that's the biggest argument with climate deniers. Except they refuse to believe the part about the swings getting worse. 

I think the Venn-Diagram of those 2 types of people is approaching tangent.

Abandoned warehouse not included.