The Ja Rule of Kinja

Classic if you can wrench, there’s a way. 


I’m not listening to any criticism from David Tracy over
1. Being Cheap
2. Non-Jeep related fuckery. 

To be fair. The BRZ looks like a 350Z with an Accord grille.

A fever...cause by a cat scratch. Interesting. 

oooph. The micro dick on this one. 

And it fits - another post where you get it all wrong.”....says the guy who actually said “Trump has never written any books so they cannot be burned.”

If you think being called pedantic and told to argue with someone else makes you the bad guy, then maybe you are the bad guy? Either way, the insecurity is a you problem, my dude.

Im sorry Mr. Pedantic. It produces .1Kwh. either way, argue with someone else. Those numbers are from the website. 

The unit puts out around 100watts per hour assuming 13 mph winds. It seems capable of generating electricity at any low speed unlike mills that require a higher start up energy. $400 start up cost plus installation is probably higher than PV costs but seems worth it in urban areas or for people without solar rebates.

Period-wise.....I think so. Tho, it’s hard to pop&lock in a corset and dress.

Fuck that. Ask for help anonymously on reddit like a normie.
Also me reading your comment:

🎵Heed not the rabble who scream revolution🎵F

Bruh, why should she be exempt from the stone chucking we all endure when we have sinned? Her public shaming does more for the public consciousness than the “Oh you poor baby” response.

Which only re-enforces SingleusePlastic’s point. She wanted it to go viral, but it didn’t go the way she thought or wanted to go. She for damn sure made sure people knew about it, even if she was sincerely being PSA about it.

Admittedly, I has assumed that the jump video was on private property. (and I know the charges are from other videos but the assumption remains)
I don’t quite understand. In Pemnsylvania If you are on private property you can still get ticketed? Someone ‘splain to me. My comment is based on the tubers comment about

The biggest marketing backstab since Paul left Verizon for Sprint!

Recently rewatches Age of Ultron and I was reminded of how bad it actually was. I watched it and remembered having the same thought from the first few times in watched it. It had the worst cinematography of all the mcu movies even iron man 3. Every action scene felt like they cut the budget and decided to only fun the

Did you miss the part that says “Over-Engineered” or were you just hellbent on making the comment?

An opportunistic bag of dicks duh

*Richard Benoit not included