The Ja Rule of Kinja

WhO waNTs to CloUD THeiR Own vIsion?

Except project Cataract existed before Vision was resurrected in the Hex. Additionally, Cataracts mission in that moment was not to stop Vision, it was to eliminate Wanda. I still gave you a star because it’s an infinitely better answer than being a doofus and not understanding why a comic book bad guy would name his

Given the Generals horrible wordplay with Woo lacking "Vision" are you actually surprised that he would name the Shell, "Cataract"?

First off, what a great read. That scene between Vision and Cataract, however was far more important than your word count would imply.

LOL. Gets roasted for a nonsensical comment, blames it on nerds behind keyboards that would never call him a fucking idiot to his face, proceeds to “clear things up” by missing the point of his roasting, retires undefeated.

My dude, You don’t get to participate in an exchange of ideas adults when your ideas are

I love how this guy uses “It also sounds like the insurance scams, cut off truck, get money” as a launchpad to double down on this batshit crazy statement by saying he’s just trying to scam-splain to y’all that insurance fraud is a thing that exists.

What the fuck are you talking about? Clearly you can’t read or comprehend. You think the comment is somehow about China when it’s clearly about the red herring, and an intern being thrown under the bus.

Shout out to these folks showing that black folks are not a monolith. Full stop.

Stans, for the most part, no matter how well meaning they are blinded by their fandom to objectively criticize the objects of their standom. . I’m not sure why they felt a need to defend their fandom. I don’t defend my problematic fandom

No, just someone with a reading comprehension apparently better than yours.

Besides the fact that both Russian and Chinese hackers are cited as potential culprits in the article? Get your panties out of a bunch, mate. Also your fixation on a the China part of my tinfoil comment is kinda weird given that it also involves an American on the other end.

My assumption is that there is feedback in the manifold that feeds the individual pumps because of a change in pressure now that the extra pump is running, rather than 2 lines sharing the same pump. .

I don’t think it’s beyond reason tho. Corporate espionage is very real. It’s not unreasonable to believe the breach was an inside job and the intern is being scapegoated. Why would an intern even have such access? They are either complicit or a poorly run organization. Better to fess up to being poorly run than

because Chinese hackers are behind the hack?

a ‘slibble’, if you will.

Oh another thought. What if this is a big fat red herring to cover up some sinister collaboration between an exec and China??

I have never wanted to see a movie so badly now. 

I saw this episode of Veep already. 

They did not try to put a ferret in a particle accelerator to act as a pipe pig to clean the tubes. They SUCEEDED at putting a ferret in a particle accelerator to act as a pipe pig to clean the tubes.

That was a fun read