The Ja Rule of Kinja

Amazing. Buying a gun to protect your self from strawmen is perfectly rational. But using a device to keep someone from wrecking your knees is a “dick move” and you deserve to get punched in the face for it.

I am 5'11 and my knees are generally millimeters from the seat i n front of me unless I do Economy + or get

you can 3d print them tho.

you’d physically have to fight to even try to take it in the first place so you’d get your wish either way.

the only no-go-rule for me is bare and stank feet. If you have socks on i have no problem.

Diapers are not tricky at all. Fuck anybody with a problem with me opting to change my kid on my lap instead of the actually disgusting-for-my-child-bathroom. Plus I am a pro at the diaper changing in awkward places and positions thing. People need to get over that shit the same way they need to get over breast

Release the long form version.

The 10 year/100,000 mile warranty is 65% of the reason we purchased out 2016 Outlander. It gets me 37-31 mpg on my daily 50 mile commute. it’s pretty useful for my weekend home project stuff that requires me folding the rear seats flat. Speaking of which, it is one of the ONLY cross overs with a 3rd row. I’ve only had

Correct, however these tweets are years before he was president. 


“In February 2018, Cole was outed as a member of Atomwaffen by ProPublica, but the federal agents didn’t contact him until February 2018"

Did you mean they contacted him in February 2019?

time out. These ninjas wanted to come after Lizzo for plagiarizing a line that they themselves admitted to plagiarizing?

Also, while the courts massively got Gaye vs Thicke WRONG, there to my knowledge, has never been a case where a court said an entire song was stolen because of a single line that also occurs in

I’m not sure how old you are, but if you are old enough to have owned a flip phone, then you remember what it was like to go several days without having to touch your charger. Then when you got a smartphone, there was a slight learning curve, dealing with the new reality that your pho0ne had to be plugged in every

Range anxiety is not “perceived” it is an actual thing. The “lack of range and re-charging options” is a perception. People have no clue what they are supposed to do after the range has been spent because charging their vehicle like their phone is too big a thought mountain to process. Especially when they already

the most disappointing are the ones I didn’t find myself.

these fake twitter quotes, while amusing are not productive and add to the destructive noise.

remember that time Obama wore a tan suit? And mom jeans?

Wut? what was the driver filming? If they were filming the truck because of the loose wood, then 100% deserved to have it fly through their windshield for not backing off or speeding up to let the truck driver know.

Your question is kinda self defeating, because once in the intersection you have no longer failed to yield to the electronic signal. The signal indicates whether or not you are permitted to enter the intersection, not whether or not you are allowed to be in the intersection. The boundaries of the intersection are

No it doesn't you tool. Excercising your right to not say shit while someone that knows what the fuck they are doing in this ficked up system is exactly what you should do. 

Suck! Suck! Suck!