The Ja Rule of Kinja

re: kanye

My pixel XL still serves me well. I don’t think I will get excited about another Pixel phone untill they incorporate project tango 3d scanning or some other realsense integration.

That math would def make you Uber material! Do you want your bonus sign up $500 Visa gift card electronically or delivered via mail?

Are companies legally required to be consistent?

had a much longer paragraph for paragraph rebuttal but ditched it because i think we ultimately agree that “we’ll have to see”. Except for 1 pt of clarification.

And exactly what is it that I am asserting that I am “right” about?
that comparing going on a website is more comparable to calling than it is to walking up to a store front, that the ADA applies to physical spaces, or that 3 different courts have said as much and websites need further scrutiny? Take your pick.

Fair enough.
However, I don’t think the courts went far enough in establishing the difference between a website facilitating the use of a physical space and a website that facilitates services. I think the dominoes website is no different than a menu My argument is that a website operates no differently for the

NO. While i agree with your sentiment, your statement, “the rules clearly state that it is off limits to do so” is patently false. There is no interpretation of that rule that would lead a sane and rational person to think a statement in support for something that has wide support would be used against them on the

I put about 12k on my car a year but I have a 50 mile round trip commute. 5K seems pretty normal for a city car or someone that has just under half my commute. That’s still nearly 100 miles a week.

Counterpoint, I bet the M5 conjured many more “fucks”,goddamits” and  “noooooooooos”  in those 400k miles that the Lexus did in its million.

Does not compute.

No. The difference here is that there are
1. Statutes that dicatate how physical spaces must conform to the ADA
2. You are trying to pretend that the internet is a public accomodation for which the ADA applies, when in fact it is
a. Been deternined by 3 different circuit courts to not be a public accomatation
b. you know

That is an argument for discrimination that has merit, however, i haven’t seen anything that indicates that this is what it’s about.

Not sure how the operator of a website in which there is no guidance or legal framework established for them to operate as ADA comliant, makes them an asshole. especially since the 3rd 6th AND 9th circuit courts have already determined that websites are NOT public accommodations. (see Martinez v. San Diego County

I really appreciate the attempt at helping readers discern a god from bad Kickstarter. Unfortunately some of these rules also will get you burned. Especially the well polished campaigns. Those, IMO tend to be the ones that rely on the presentation to mask the lack of a project. Here are a few of the ways I’ve managed

Disservice isn’t an insult or an implication that it is inferior. Calling Swift’s Modest Proposal just an essay is a disservice to the satire it presented. Likewise calling HDM a YA series is a disservice to the subtext that was presented. Likewise labeling the Chronicles of Narnia a YA series is similarly a

Oh God! First off thank you for giving me the opportunity to drop some Golden Nuggets (wink,wink) on you. TGC is probably my favorite series of books. So, Pullman wrote TGC series as a direct response to C.S. Lewis Chronicles of Narnia. Pullman was deeply jealous and aggrieved at the success Lewis would have at

the North Face one I bought about 13 years ago worked phenomenally until about 4 years ago. that was a great run for a $300+ jacket I paid around $40 for at the North Face outlet near Berkley.

I bought a North Face Rain Jacket maybe 13 years ago from the NF Outlet for about $40. It was at the time one of the most amazing pieces of fabric I had ever purchased. It effortlesly repelled water, unlike the vinyl ones I owned prior. It also kept me cool, an effect i wasn’t looking for but later found

The surface duo seems neat. I’d consider it if when folded it is equal or thinner than than my Pixel XL.