Great screen name! :-)
Great screen name! :-)
so what’s going on with you now that you’re no longer an editor at LH? Are things going well with you and your wife?
my PC dies early, every time... my Mac, I’ve had no major problems. I’ve messed up the OS, reinstalled it, had my stuff backed up, and it works like new... no issues. Each time this happened on my PC, the hard drive/SSD, the heat sinks, etc... all got out of whack and shortened the life of the PC... no similar issues…
Are you forgetting the increasingly mixed up financial and consumer driven economic factors that come into play when you’re speaking about S. Korea, Japan, China and of course the Western world, Europe and the US... there is no way that war can break out. All it will be for years and years is each country trying to…
you're forgetting the build up of the insane Korea!
don’t forget the cultural significance this all has in the Asian world view.... and since Japan is our ally, we need to encourage this. The US and the rest of the world is after all very mad at China for doing what they're doing. Don't forget Korea either... They scare the willies out of me!
those are the people who will vote for Trump.... inadvertently... because they see Sarah Palin's name
I wish I had light when I get up at 5:30 AM and sun when i get back from work at 6 PM! I need to take my dog to the dog park after work.. can’t really do that in winter, especially in the San Diego!
Hey Whitson, we met here in SD a while back, before you left for your wedding... I was your driver at the time... hit me up.
why wouldn’t I want to use the Outlook desktop client that comes with MS Office 2011 for my Mac?
Just sent you a message
I love their muffins!!! yes, I gain weight because of it... but damn, they’re good!
seriously? you have the time for that?
With about 6 years of my life lost to working at jobs that were unfulfilling and moving around the US to take these jobs just to make money, I've had a lot of failure to deal with. That's the most difficult part. Now I'm at a job I like, but I am now living in a place I love, but being paid like I'm 3-4 years out of…
Over a decade ago, psychologist Barry Schwartz published his book The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less, in which lays out that settling for "good enough" alleviates the pressures of decision making. Every day, we're faced with too many options, and we waste time on trying to make the best one. When you just settle…
You know, for those of us who try, try and try until we are about to keel over, this is just the hardest part of life to handle. I'm horrible with dealing with personal failure and don't do so well with critical analysis of my work and everything else I do in life. I'm always struggling to make sure that what I do is…
Be the controller of all the data. Then everyone will come to you to make sure that they can get the data in the format that they need and want. This doesn't have to be in an IT position, this can be in any data-centric job... I'm an aerospace engineer, and it's a great place to be. Also, having a specialty in…
I do like outlook on my iPhone... it's better than any of the other email apps out there!