The Doctor's TARDIS

And on faith... the rebellion takes his word for it with no proof and no documentation... bad command structure and records keeping.

so basically you’re saying, it’s another hot guy, on the same CW network playing a hot superhero.... they’re all hot and overly attractive people... who cares who’s from E1, E2, E3, Gallifey...etc....

probably coming during Civil War... possibly... fingers crossed it’s more than a 10 second trailer too!

and they were tasked by that weird 70's bowl-cut lady rebellion commander with the strange name.

don’t they have fitness tests like the Air Force, Army, Marines, Navy and Coast Guard??? Someone should check his cholestrol and arterial health.

ditto! Love us grammar and spelling enforcers!

I think a Hutt Casino/Gangster Drama would fit in quite well into that universe... they can also have Mos in it as well, since she seems to fit into that part of the shady, yet special, characters.

maybe on the big screen, but the revived BSG had some truly epic space battles too!

and a lot of deaths (either on or off screen, disneyesqe-style)

Good opinion piece! I do agree with you on the need to expand the universe all around! Let’s go multi-dimentional... given we have faster than lightspeed drive, let’s have a slip-stream engine that somehow ends up in an alternate Episode IV/V/VI...

I’m just glad that we have PReP now as a precursor to a viable HIV vaccine... you should read about the blow-back on using PReP... hey, if it will keep one healthy, then someone should stive to use it! hands-down! Stop for the fearmongering everyone! you’re just as bad as Donald Trump!

completely agree with you! it paid homage to the original, and pretty much was the original, but still had it’s true ridiculous aspects... as any sci-fi-type show should have! it’s escapism! people need to take it for what it is/was!

The A-Team!!!

what’s up with the head-dress on that costumer? Looks daunting and stupid!

being a gay man, I can say that I like her corset/tights costume update! :-)

I just want to see the metroids sucking the life out of Samus when she’s curled up in a ball, trying to roll as her life-force is drained, slowly... wonder how that will happen in the movie. I bet she’ll be rolling in a ball for about 1/5 of a second since they don’t want to spend money on and special effects.

and william is the DNA extraction of the Cigarette Smoking Man who lives in 2075 in Vancouver running an evil Corporation* (as seen in Continuum!)

Mongrals! Being a rocket scientist, I concur! Look at all those voting for Donald Trump! Idiots!

yup! period!