Thanks for the MRA perspective.
Thanks for the MRA perspective.
This is sorta like what’s going on in Democratic circles. We line up, rightly, to condemn the Roy Moores and Brett Kavanughs of the right, but when the accused is someone we like, the criticism tends to be a bit more muted. Keith Ellison for one. Al Franken at least resigned, but there’s some blowback going on against…
I am here for the MRTA/MGTOW/incel tears, and hopefully will not be disappointed.
Ugh, the countdown-to-18 thing. I was in college radio in the 90s, which surprisingly (or not) wasn’t exactly a hotbed of progressiveness. Some of the bros put a “Britney Countdown Poster” on the wall with a quick way to hide it if needed.
Why are you on Jezebel, exactly? Is Stormfront on hiatus?
See also: Whataboutism.
I have no doubt that this started because some incel was blocked, mid-stroke, because he said something vile and pervy. These clods never take responsibility for anything it’s always 100% projection.
What Franken did was wrong, there’s no getting around that. What “level” of wrongness or seriousness is not, IMO, for me to judge. Multiple women came forward with credible testimonies of inappropriate context. It may suck that one of the accusers has since become a Hannity-funded stooge, and they’re all giddy that…
Trump acolytes now get toteargas toddlers
Look at the MAGA-tard, he’s trying to think.
Anything communicable in our bodies dies out not long after the body dies. It doesn’t just live on in a zombified state.
One could also argue that you’re an inbred, MRA asshole.
Am I the only one that thinks a scarf isn’t a hat, so she should just wear it right now and be done with this silliness?
and he offered up a compromise
This is a life lesson; never, ever, ever pin your political hopes on Florida. Maybe it will finally swing as another generation of decrepit conservative Cuban expatriates dies off and younger, more progressive ones come of age, but not today.
I don’t understand, is this some quirk of Georgia state law? How, legally, can a slice of a town/city can hold referendums that aren’t open to voting by the entire population of said town/city?
the SJW agenda
The SJW companions
What’s also kinda funny is this;
Daniel Hernandez. Just call him that, I am so tired of seeing that “6ix9ine” bullshit treated like a name. It’s about as valid of a name as some kid’s “xXxC00ld00dxXx” XBox handle is.