I still like In Utero, it is a painful reminder of what they were about to do, i.e. hopefully move away form the radio-friendly Nevermind. “Rape Me” has not aged well at all though, and is rather cringey today.
I still like In Utero, it is a painful reminder of what they were about to do, i.e. hopefully move away form the radio-friendly Nevermind. “Rape Me” has not aged well at all though, and is rather cringey today.
As cool as the kid who attacked new jeans with a pair of scissors to get the cool ripped look, sure.
But looking at how things progressed, she absolutely played into the hands of the deplorables and now has made enemies out of allies. Dumb dumb dumb.
Me three, it was an odd but pretty good little slice of the reality TV glut of the mid-2000s. I can’t listen to the interview at work now, but is it with only 2 of the kids? I’d love to see something with all or most of them. Vaguely recall a red-haired girl, 14-15, that emerged as one of the leaders as well.
Now this has potential, the original sneak peeks were a bit worrisome.
He’s like the bro at your workplace who rails against the “Deep State”, “both sides are awful”, and wishes that Libertarian Party guy didn’t get naked, because now no one takes them seriously.
Isn’t 9:30 past his bedtime? Sleepyboy needs to get up early to get those crack-of-dawn tweets out.
I completely forgot it was on last night; post-Kavanaugh I turned out of tv land and drank. Will fire it up on cbs all-access tonight. Back in the late 80s, early 90s, we were in the backwoods with no cable and a creaky…
Terribly sorry that a rape victim doesn’t look demure and cowed enough for people to find her story believable.
Paying a Kendall Jenner to hype the Fyre Festival on social media, thereby suckering people into spending $1000 to fly to an island, sleep in a tent, and be given a Styrofoam container of lettuce and tomatoes for dinner. Yep.
I wonder, has there ever been a movie about trashing these scumbags in some way? A secret cabal of Hollywood elite...acting by day, anti-paparazzi vigilantes by night. A dark comedy, starring Jason Bateman and Kristen Stewart.
Zamata was criminally underused in her short tenure. Here’s to hoping it’s gotten better this time around.
That’s my 3 anti-criteria for the 2020 Dem nominee; Old. White. Male. You can be one of those 3, in a dire pinch two, but I’m tired of the trifecta.
And I’m a woman who’s an immigrant. Will you call me biased, too? We have a modern day Salem witch trial going on
Totally agree, Nazis the people and Nazism the belief system are not redeemable in any way. Some things in history are just too far gone down the Utterly Deplorable Shithole to ever be discussed in this manner.
This entire thing is a tragedy, but it is one entirely of Roseanne’s making, there are no excuses for her behavior here.
Are you literally retarded?
random added characters
Aww, ickle babykins. Go give Ben-ben a hug.