Aww, widdle edgelord still having a sad?
Aww, widdle edgelord still having a sad?
Ahh, another edgelord who thinks rightness is determined by popularity...
Whatever you need to tell yourself...
Indeed. I was regrettably a metalhead once, but...much like being a wrestling should wear off by 17-18. I went off to college and punk/grunge/alt was a revelation.
I’m one of those seemingly uncommon types who loves both Nirvana and Hole equally. I can’t imagine what kind of hell it is living with stupid, twisted murder rumors. Her and Frances Bean both.
“Why do they get the early bird special at 5 and I can’t get it at 6? Time discrimination!” This could go on and on where there’s perks and benefits for different people in different venues.
Or they used to be better at making them.
Surely some alt right cretin is going to sue over this though. This probably isn’t over yet.
I like it when they used it in Love Actually, but Mariah’s is over-the-top camp.
Aww, the MRA is having a sad.
I’ve always wondered... is there someplace that makes your sheets and hoods as-is? Or do you just raid the bedding section at Walmart and DIY?
That’s the difference between the Hitler-era Nazis and the current ones, i.e. you. They flew their racist freak flag high and were proud of it. You hide behind PC terms like “alt right”.
Presidents, even.
I know, but still, this is Jeff freakin Sessions’ seat that we won. They had to run the table and do a massive get-out-the-vote to squeak by a pedo. It sucks to have take that much effort to win what should otherwise be a slam dunk.
Whoah whoah, whoah.
His reply just smacks of the ignorance of “all the bros on this MRA site are saying it and it sounds convincing”. It’s a teachable moment, but it’s not your burden/obligation to be his guide either.
Isn’t Leslie it at the moment? Shasheer Zamata was criminally underused in her 3 year stint.
Christ that movie is the pits, “boomer nostalgia porn” is spot on. The moral message distills to “be a good Christian boy, listen to your mama, everything will turn out swell, otherwise you turn out like hippie Jenny, get AIDS, and die.”
Yes. Exactly that.