
I don’t know how to put into words how amazing this guy is. The Democratic Party needs to find and nurture a strong, charismatic man or woman with Trudeau’s worldview and end Cheeto McFuckstick’s reign in 2020.

a free, time-frozen and legally-gray iteration of FFXI that at any time might host a few hundred die-hard players.

Jersey Shore was a guilty pleasure back in the day, I watched that summer road trip apology tour thing, and will guiltily tune in for this as well.

No on here is, asshole, so quit with the strawmen. We can take joy in Piven losing his show AND have hope that the writers, producers, supporting cast etc...all get scooped up elsewhere soon

This was classic poison-the-well; get the Post to run this story, spring their “ha ha!” videos, claim that the Post will run anything as along as it slurs the name of honest, noble conservatives, and call it a day.

If you google the topic and washington post...or the headline, if known...it bypasses the paywall.

I don’t really disagree, Frank’s “sorry you’re upset” is really offputting, but, this “we resign ours while they elect theirs” dichotomy between us and them is really upsetting.

Language is language, Herr Grammar Nazi.

The passwords for Kid Icarus were brutal, I had scraps of paper everywhere and always lost progress due to not writing something down correctly.

Would you care to submit your text logs and Twitter feed for examination? Hilton is a vapid moron with plenty of things to criticize her for, but reaching for the Grammar Nazi crap is just absurd.

Yea, except for the tiny fact that “nerd” isn’t an ethnicity.

Private servers are cobbled-together sad-sack jokes. I started on them, went to retail in 2012 or so and never looked back. It’s like trading in your Pinto for a Ferrari.

Jesus, 24 days of whiskey? I’d be comatose by the 25th, but it’d be a fun month.

“Sorry” is for cutting someone off in traffic or spilling their coffee on you, there has to be something far, far-reaching for these cads to do in order to atone. Weinstein’s going to prison if he sets foot in NYC, last I heard. The rest, I don’t know, but a word...or in these days a tweet or Instagram, isn’t enough.

Am I at all surprised that one user, Freak0naut, has dominated the discussion here and made it all about what they consiuder their level of sexual acceptability is.

You’re quaint. Like, 1990-workplace quaint.

Who would you consider above the Weinsteins of Hollywood?

You’re like a sad caricature of a progressive, the sort of invented boogeyman that Fox News, etc... would tilt at.

It’s like they think they deserve a pat on the back for not raping anyone today.

Believe me, some of us try, but it’s uphill. I work with one guy who claims anti-Trumpness but is pro -pretty much everything else; loves Breitbart, Milo, ridicules feminism, gender fluidity, etc... Sometimes I think I’ve made inroads, but...ugh.