My 6th grade teacher smacked me in the back of the head when I got caught with a Cracked magazine hidden behind my textbook.
My 6th grade teacher smacked me in the back of the head when I got caught with a Cracked magazine hidden behind my textbook.
Switching to...what, exactly? Android and iOS account for 99% of the market.
Along these lines, didn’t Julie Chen admit she had alterations done around the eyes to make her look less Asian? It sucks that this is still a thing.
The alt-right conserva-sphere regularly pivots reality when it suits their needs. This is the same bunch that screams “losers should just get over it!” re: 2016 election results...while they wave Confederate flags.
So, basically, a circa 2010 Megyn Kelly clone, one that will toe the party line.
Aww, is the neo-Nazi STILL having a sad?
Aww, is the neo-Nazi having a sad?
I was only watching this show this season for Puddles Pity Party,
Aww, did the widdle MRA bro have a sad? Do you need to go out to the woods and have a drum circle?
So, who had “2 hours” on their Moral Equivalence Bingo card?
Yes, it is so very rewarding to see expert opinion ridiculed by the resident Keyboard Warrior, the guy who knows better because he’s a “forum regular”.
I’m glad we had you here to explain to the victim how harassment should feel. I know that when I’m unsure about my feels, I always think “I wonder what “Four Horsemen” thinks about it?”
Oh you poor thing. Take this doll and point out where the mean woman touched you.
I love MRA tears in the morning, salt goes well will coffee and muffins.
Sex slave rings are more principled than the Trump administration, it seems.
Veterans do what they do to protect our way of life, which some of you red diaper baby Berniebros seem to forget includes capitalism.
“We didn’t invent slavery, but we sure did it better!”
MRAs have bros like you on call, don’t they?