
I know a guy who knows a guy who was a tech for only 3 years and is now the head of IT for a school district. Said head wrote up a $90k budget for the coming school year, and in anticipation of being rubber-stamped, proceeded to have his underlings dispose of every PC in the district 4 years old or older.

I liked “Hail Hail” and “Who you Are”, but yea, No Code was Pearl Jam’s weakest by far. It also had that that godawful spoken word schlock at the end.

Holy shitpickles, who pissed in your cornflakes today? It is possible for the media to, gasp, report on many different stories at once, by this magical notion called “hiring multiple fucking writers”.

So stealing that.

Carlson playing the “them darn immigrants are ignorant of our culture” card is bad enough. “The pooping on the street is a symbolic act of anti-American defiance” is a whole other deck of cards, and a batshit deck at that.

That’s what I was thinking. I’m old enough to have owned an original Atari VCS (re-christened “2600" in ‘82), and while a momentary nostalgia might kick in, I can’t imagine playing Yar’s Revenge, Air Sea Battle, etc...for more than a few mins.

A racist vs. a girlfriend-beater. Lovely choices.

I don’t do voice chat games, but I’ve spoken up on WoW channels, party/raid chat, etc...when the shitweasels start in on a female char. It’s ridiculous what people feel they’re free to get away with behind the comfort of anonymity. And when we do speak up, out comes the “lol white knight!” remarks.

I’m confused by what seems to be casually dismissive wording regarding a convicted rapist and a convicted domestic abuser, respectively. Can’t we condemn McGregor’s racism while also calling out Tyson and Mayweather as shitweasels too?

Dismiss, such a great feature.

Relics of a past society, should’ve been kicked to the curb ages ago. My small New England college tossed them all out of their on-campus housing years ago. They lingered for awhile in an unofficial capacity for awhile by renting houses off-campus but that didn’t last long.

40 million inbred halfwits voted for Trump, too. It’s not surprising that there’s people out there that concoct fan theories for the most banal, formulaic sitcoms on tv.

Cool story, fedora-bro.

Between whiny shit like


Things aren’t created dirty and used, y’know? The seedy settings of, say, Neuromancer were once shiny and bright and clean too, but at some point society slips...wars, famine, Trump...and the middle class just vanishes and stops buying things. Stuff become used, reused, patched, taped, and re-purposed over time.

The “Mama Bear” thing might have been cute/cool at some point, but once Sarah Palin did her “Mama Grizzly” shtick over and over, it was forever tainted.

He has a Martin Shkreli-like punchable face, that’s for sure.

I loved Simon & Simon in the 80s, watched that and Magnum religiously. Fun fact, Jameson Parker moved...or had a house, at least...to the wild backwoods of New Hampshire after the show ended, to a town that was in my school district. His oldest daughter was in the class ahead of me.

Good lord, that’s awful. Some of the hardest obstacles to overcome are the ones dumped upon us at an early age, by those who presumably act out of “tough love” or somesuch bs. Hope you got through it eventually.