
And loneliness can go both ways. You can be with the same person for 10 years and be really, really lonely and that was the big thing I got from Francesca. For all the manic pasta dream girl talk on this thread, I feel like she had to be sketched the way she was for a lot of this to make sense because she is just as

Yeah, you're not alone there. A lot of this was uncomfortably raw.

I tend to think they just had to prove it was a mental illness to poke holes in his credibility. From a legal standpoint, it's not so much the stigma as it is just setting a precedent that the way he remembers something might be unreliable. Less to do with stigma, more straight evidentiary procedure. It's Jimmy's best

That's exactly what I'm thinking. If not disbarred, disciplinary action for being a party to it. To her credit, she's going all in to the best she can while keeping her nose clean but it's a super, super fine line she's walking.

Alan Sepinwall's review suggested they should write in worry about Huell's snacking habits should he show up in future episodes. Now I must see this happen.

I think the protest scene was brutal because it's already happening, as people have noted with Ferguson. But not it's not just Ferguson, even in so called "liberal bubbles" we regularly have protests that are attended by heavily armed guards and this is going to continue happening. (Source: I live in Portland. I've

Odenkirk is just so good at all the right moments. That last sequence was so brutal.

Sanz stopped drinking. Fallon is an alcoholic. (I say this as someone who drinks too much myself, not someone judging someone with a drinking problem. It's just an observation.)

I think Fallon knows he can't get along with everyone - which is why he's visibly drunk pretty much all the time now and it's the only way he gets through his ridiculous act.

Right? It's interesting because I know he's had development deals, but they've never gone anywhere. I'm really enjoying him and Pete together though, so hopefully they can afford to insure him for season 2.

Also interesting to have Artie be the one to get that new agey angle in there. If you're familiar with his podcast or his time on Stern, pretty much everything Artie has said about himself on Crashing is true. (The virginity story, LA county jail, liking Rachel Ray, the entire Albany incident) He's spoken at length

I think I said it in an earlier review, but they have this weird Bojack - Todd vibe, and if you've ever seen the Norm show you'd know that comparison isn't that far off. (Artie can tell a great story and his his mark, but if the acting falls between that…it's not his best look.)

As a straight woman, I don't think Gus is bad looking. I mean, she might be a little out of his league by traditional definitions as he's certainly not classically handsome, but he's funny enough that I can see him picking up "hotter" women. I think the key thing they do well in the first season is make it clear that

And Jesse. And Inside Schwartz. And Stark Raving Mad. And Union Square. And…why do I know all these off the top of my head?

If there is no opt out, wonder if the contract requires him to act and write/produce? As the Sepinwall article noted, it might be complicated since he's such a major part of the show which might make them less willing to be flexible with someone who has another show. ::shrug::

It's the "go for it!" dance, you fool! (Read that in Dennis' voice since he might not be long for this show.)

Couple things:
-I CANNOT get that Jars of Clay song out of my head, which brought me back to the 90's when my religious college neighbor would play them all the time. Long story short, I didn't realize they were a Christian band for months and forgot they existed til this episode.

Honestly, I took this episode as an admission that he's using coke again. The best Artie is the storytelling, personal Artie and they clearly tapped into that.

Probably because he has no other friends and had borderline personality disorder. (Well, at least that's what that one shrink said). It's pretty sad.