
At this point, I assume Charlie and Dee are banging on the regular. Would explain why he "took up smoking" with her and the weird focus on her valentine to Charlie.

I thought about that as well. Plus, if you're depressed sometimes it's easier to start to come out of it when you're talking to someone who understands where your head is at which probably contributed.

Yep. She's does great work in the right role. (If you rewatch Mad Men the actual growth you see in Betty is more than just writing. She really does grow into the character.) I mean, she's played a lot of boring pretty ladies (not always her fault) and clearly isn't suited for live comedy (only thing she got out of SNL

As someone who doesn't have or want kids, I get you. But I don't necessarily see that NOT happening here?

While it took me a little off guard, I can buy it.

It always amazes me that so few women seem to know about Instead Cups!

I don't see Josh as being "bad" now, he's just still very much the guy he was in high school and he's always been presented that way. He stayed with Valencia for so long mostly because he didn't really question it. And he HAD moved away and lived in NYC and didn't like it up until fairly recently, so he's been

As I was watching Love I initially found myself rolling my eyes at the hot women throwing themselves at him since it's just so Apatowian. But as the show goes on, it almost seemed like hot women were throwing themselves at him because they THOUGHT he was nice when he's really just an awful person. The comment his ex

Neither of which hold a candle to Boston Common and Inside Schwartz!

A couple big misses:

Kramer's make your own pie doubled as a metaphor for abortion, while Elaine dated an attractive, anti-choice mover. Surprised not to see that one on the list because it sure as hell didn't pull any punches!

And on top of all of that…I was excited to see Davis from Corner Gas pop up as the patient in the dentist chair.

And the thing is, if you read the novel it's the exact opposite of that. It was meant to be satire! Instead of the depiction of Jenny as a true love that went back to Forrest when she had AIDS, Jenny just banged Forrest because he's hung like a horse and good in bed. Pretty simple, really. Hell, the novel is worth

Someone once unfriended me on facebook because I told them I hated the movie more than anything. Apparently that is worse than my constant stream of dead baby jokes.

Hanks does a fine job with the material he was given…unfortunately it's terrible. The absolutely maddening thing about Forrest Gump is that in the book, the guy doesn't seem "slow" at all…which is part of the joke. They establish that he is an idiot savant with low IQ. Kind of a Homer Simpson type because he's clearly

He has so many wonderfully strange videos up all over the place. I suggest checking out "The Shrek is Real" or pretty much anything he's posted on Vine. Hell, there is a vine of him screaming at a train that I've watched on an endless loop more times than I care to admit (often while tanked.)

Oz. Nobody has reviewed Oz anywhere!

That was Connor O'Malley as young Louie. He's a writer on Seth Myers' show and among other things, released a series of Vines where he screams at rich guys in cars.

Am I alone in not understanding why I should root for a Lana/Archer coupling?

Brody is going to become a lumberjack with Dexter.