
You know what they say, a happy three is a future four.

Can we get a truly functional MeowMeowBeenz up and running? I'm ready for my life as a humble 3.

Agreed on pretty much everything. Sheila vs. Sammy is something I would love to have resolved soon and never spoken of again and Jimmy's return is really putting a damper on my mood since last season soared without him and his convoluted life. Speaking of Rich Kid Love Interests, I hope Lip stops being a self

A friend of mine back in high school had me convinced that this song was about shitting on people's chest during sex. I believed this for years.

To think, that would be the last time someone asked if something was recorded on a potato…

I actually prefer Black Christmas to Halloween, and I often snobbishly point out that it actually predates Halloween by a few years. Look! I just did it again!

I'm only airing this out because this may be my final opportunity to voice what is probably an unpopular Korra opinion: I hate Meelo. I always have. He's the exact opposite of an enjoyable, endearing child character (Gregory from this year's Over the Garden Wall being the touchstone for such a kid character.) This

It took me two days to get through the finale because I think I came down with some form of senioritis with this series and stopped caring over the last few episodes.
When Jax asked the homeless women "Who are you?" and she responded with "It's time," I think I permanently damaged my optic nerves with how hard I rolled

He probably tried to use terrigenesis on himself, which is why his mind is fractured- humans aren't supposed to go through the process.

They wrote a lazy, inaccurate article that basically said that South Park thinks Lorde is a middle aged man as part of a mean spirited jab at the singer because of that throwaway gag at the end of the gluten episode from earlier in the season where Randy dresses up as Lorde. It was clear that the writer didn't really

I'd just like to point out that this ongoing Lorde arc would never have happened if it wasn't for the hacky writing and lazy editorializing over at SPIN magazine. So with that, I'd like to toast to SPIN, for taking being a desperately out of touch and insubstantial pop culture rag to a whole new level. Rolling Stone

I think they only had us play to justify all the free drinks, but maybe it was out of some sort of decency. I don't know. Either way, the staff was just glad it was over so they could start cleaning to get home. The nephew/son/street urchin was just kinda leading Gallagher to the exit, maybe out of embarrassment,

So it was my birthday and my band was playing this now-defunct club called the Vagabond so we all got free drinks. As it goes in Miami, everything was running late and it was approaching the wee hours of the AM, so I figured we wouldn't even play and got kinda birthday-hammered. I lean against this wall and right next

For a second I thought that there would be some sort of televised pumpkin-related competition featuring indie rock darlings Superchunk.

"Friends, ex-girlfriend, Winston…"
Winston's silent "Come on, man" reaction started the episode off with a belly laugh for me. Poor Winston.

I'm gonna make my dad very happy by finally learning Spanish, even if it's just so I can watch these novela remakes.

Most of the pop culture I consume that has made me cry (and there have been quite a few that have) has either been viewed on my own, or has been viewed along with other softies that understood completely (Eternal Sunshine and Up being great examples.) Surprisingly, it was Shaun of the Dead that proved to be my

My dad showed me the Exorcist when I was around that age, too. For weeks my older sister would sneak into my room and start shaking my bed while I was asleep. That was a month of bad times. I'm surprised how much I love that movie, now.

My mom is a very conservative woman. She detests violence, crude humor, and blatant sexual content in her viewing entertainment and she's never been a fan of the fantasy genre. I don't know what possessed me to show her the first season of Game of Thrones over the last holiday. I guess I felt I was on a roll after she

Buffy Summers would fight for your whiny, semi-existent ass till she died, and then she'd get back up and fight for you some more.