
I wouldn’t really call Puerto Ricans moving to the mainland US immigrants any more than someone moving from New York to Georgia. Since it’s legally guaranteed migration of residents within the same country.

Hell, the colonists were shitty to the people who were ORIGINALLY here as well. 

Why not deport Desantis back to Hell?

True, but even then Haitian immigrants weren’t welcomed. The leftists fleeing Duvalier certainly weren’t treated as legitimate refugees. And after 1981, all “boat people” were immediately sent back to Haiti by the Coast Guard before they even saw land. It has some exceptions here and there, but I think if you look at

The Cubans were capitalists fleeing socialism. The Haitians have always been seen as dangerous to Americans, since their first successful slave revolt. And these assignations have a lot of inertia to them. They just become the default bias.

Yeah, those damn tired, poor, huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the homeless and tempest tossed, America doesn’t want none of those.

They are the party of Trump and Giuliani. The party that riots in the Capital. The party in favor of children being hungry. The party that is responsible for a 1,000 dying A week because vaccines are liberal.

If they want that why don’t they ever do that? $20 billion for a 400 mile border wall, which is falling down already. That's Republican fiscal responsibility.

Ban washcloths.  

I haven’t caught a real cold or a flu in over a year and it’s wonderful lol.

And the anti-vaxxers will be screaming their fucking heads off as if insurance companies don’t have “freedom” to charge what they want

I doubt you’ll see discounts, we are a capitalist nation 😂 but additional costs for unvaccinated people? Absolutely.

To the anti-vax troll who keeps stalking me on this site:

Posted above, but the US government does the same thing. George Washington oversaw the first mass inoculation, and signed into law the Quarantine Act giving the President the power to declare quarantines and punish violators. Governments have been able to mandate vaccines since the Supreme Court decision in Jacobson

GQP Wish List:

Here’s a bold concept, LET THEM ALL FUCKING DIE!!! I mean the part about their lame ass argument that makes me a raging ball of fury is this idea that their “rights and freedoms” aren’t fucking with the rest of us. You have hospitals and ICU beds all filled with these unvaccinated pieces of shit and other patients are

Canada has restricted free speech, which is why you can go to jail for things like ‘hate speech’.

It’s not about freedoms, it’s about domination. They not only want to be able to do what they want to do, but they want to tell YOU what to do too Exhibit A:

I still maintain that the people terrified of wearing masks must have shit breath or something. Same for the motherfuckers who can’t seem to keep their mask over their fucking noses.

The reason is simple. Right wing media is designed to manufacture hatred, outrage, and fear in its consumers. That dopamine release gives those consumers a sense of excitement. It is like big fans of professional wrestling getting all worked up over the latest manufactured rage fest between two big topless guys wearing