
Manchin OWNS coal mines, and his wife and daughter have ties to the company that hiked the EpiPen from less than under $100 to more than $600. Also remember Manchin said he didn’t want to expand the child subsidy in his state because he believed the parents would just take the money and buy drugs. WEST VIRGINIANS! “Thi

Not quite. A guy named Christopher Rufo (some conservative dude I had never heard of)got on Tucker Carlson’s show back in 2019, to push the CRT lie, and get the troops fired up. Then Covid hit, and it was used to offset 45's dismal lack of a re-election platform. It has continued to keep the culture lie going.

Could be, but who decides? And who decides for someone else?

Lincoln wanted to ship freed slaves to Panama and Cuba to appease the Border state slaveowners, and even said if he could keep the Union together without freeing a single slave, he would do so.

So why does a “smaller centralized government” want to decide what people identify themselves as, and restrict their quality of life if they do so?

Well look at the leaders (governors) of those states, and you wonder the logic of the people who voted them in.

Now tell us how you “really” feel.  (thumbs-up).

And Trump hardly mentioned him. Not even “thoughts and prayers”.

Good One!


But when you think about it, if everybody smelled the same way (BAD!) you wouldn’t notice. They don’t notice, but we Americans are use to people using deodorant, so we do.

I read or heard somewhere in college, that Queen Elizabeth I only took 2 baths in her entire life. I wouldn’t be surprised. My mom went on vacation to London back in the 1990s and when she asked the desk clerk for wash clothes, she was told they didn’t have any. She asked, well what could she do for bathing, and the

Decades ago, I had a friend who was a photographer and decided to buy a 1 way ticket to France, and then use his photographic skills to work his way back to the States. He said that the one thing he learned was NEVER get on the Paris subway during the evening rush hour. He said the stereotype was that Parisians

So I guess dude had an “outter body experience”? He could “see himself” doing these things but could stop himself? Why am I NOT a believer?


OR giving money to HBCUs or changing the federal prison structure (where blacks make up a minority of the population). That’s ALL HE’S GOT!! And we KNOW MOST of the Black unemployment rate DROPPED under Pres. Obama! 17% in May, 2010 to 7.8% in Dec. 2016. Under Trump the LOWEST it has been is 5.5% back in July, 2019,

If they (and others) would STUDY history, they would understand why Black people turned away from the GOP in the first place. Now true, nothing is etched in stone, but Leopards don’t change their spots. Republicans threw their Black voters under the stagecoach back in 1876 when Hayes (R) bribed the southern Dems in

True That! BUT, there was a reason Dr. King, Ralph Abernathy and others had to establish the Southern Christian Leadership Committee (SCLC) because so many Black ministers did not or would not aline themselves with what they saw was a civil issue and not a religious one. THEN there were millions of Black people who

Any time I’m told by a black person that “Obama didn’t do anything for us”. I tell them that in 2010 Black Unemployment was 17.0% and by Dec. 2016 it was 7.8% Well who did that? Then under Drumpf it falls to 5.8% by Jan. 2020, and he TRIES TO TAKE CREDIT FOR THE WHOLE THING!!! Let’s NOT BE STUPID!

That’s because he assumes that EVERY black person is either ON Probation, IN jail, or ON Parole and that’s what we’re all about. And how much ya wanna bet these so-called reforms (which only affect the federal level in the first place) will free and exonerate MANY MORE  white defendants than black ones. Those