
I grew up white, cause I’m well...white, and haven’t witnessed this. Is this really a thing? We always take daily showers in my family. It’s too hot not to. As far as I know, my white friends do too. Is it a regional white thing?

I think not bathing was a Christian thing. For centuries the Greeks and Romans were big on daily bathing. Wherever the Romans conquered they built bath houses, public toilets, and aqueducts. In comes Christianity, and the bath house becomes a place of immorality and immodesty. Bath houses go into ruin, new ones aren’t

I don’t know about that, at least toilet paper serves a purpose.

A clever teacher could really make the “both sides” part of current events interesting. I’m not lawyer, but one could probably make up a better scenario than I’m about to.

Nothing makes a teenager want to read a book more than putting it on the banned book list. 

I have a feeling a whole lot of students will suddenly be interested in what teachers would be calling, “stories we’re ‘not allowed’ to teach.” 

Oh look boys and girls, its a Texas high school diploma:

If only there were other ways for students to access information on slavery and America’s incredibly racist past. Maybe a world wide web of interconnected computers where information could be shared and disseminated. I’m just spitballing here.

People keep blaming the dex and I keep thinking “this doesn’t seem all that different from the usual stupidity....”

They probably realized it was the steroids talking. Normally he’s... oh, no wait. He’s like this every day.

Hes only sorry because he got caught.

I was born in ‘65. You can characterize me as one of those late stage boomers. Guess what? I do not drink the kool-aid. I may drink black cherry every once and a while, but never bullshit.

Nope. Won’t work. First because we know that sooner or later that first $1200 will be taxed in some form and we’ll catch it.

Her intentions might be good, but Donald Trump’s aren’t.

HA!!!  I guess I did “not all Gen-Xers” you huh?

Sister FeministOnFire, sigh. I’m reluctant to point out that it’s really likely that she’s just doing damage control. Remember, her brother, BeBe, was busy scornfully chastising Black Christian folk for “having the spirit of fear” while the shutdown was in full effect. Then he came down with that Covid... as did his

Black Boomer here...you will not hear any of that BS from me. What I really hate is the fact that from then to now, we have not really come that far and there are way too many miles to go. One positive aspect of the Rona, for me, is that I am isolated from all that LSBB and early Gen X lack of consciousness coming at

So far what I hear from late stage Black Boomers and early Gen Xers, (ones born during and after the Civil Rights Movement) is how they hate BLM, how they hate protesting, how they hate “all the gun violence from gangs. You know all the White talking points and dog whistles we always hear. And all I hear is uneducated

If he were holding the rope at a lynching he’d be doing it while claiming that he single handedly was lowering black unemployment.

According to olChuck, anyone related to or accused of a crime deserves death before trial. May I present exhibit A in the case of “Why is Charles Barkley not dead?” Poundcake Republicans like Barkley need to STFU.