Maybe it is time the cops actually faced the war on cops they claim is happening. Time for a bit of active resistance and enforced regime change.
Maybe it is time the cops actually faced the war on cops they claim is happening. Time for a bit of active resistance and enforced regime change.
Tear it all down and start over again. That includes the DA’s office.
What I love most is that he says “afraid cops” end up dead when it’s the exact opposite: they’re trained to be afraid essentially all the time, and to respond to fear with force.
Patrick Lynch deserves the gallows as the fascist he is, but I’ll settle…
“We can’t be afraid to do what we do.”
Ya know. I get it. But I just don’t care anymore. Anyone that wants to believe the bs can just go fuck themselves at this point. Police departments country wide have been showcasing how badly they are at actually doing their main jobs while highlighting how much effort they put into being fascist piles of shit.
I just looked up my moon sign, and it explains so much.
This is an amateurish assessment given that anyone who takes astrology serious (which I did when I was young and silly) would tell you that one’s sun sign is an overrated aspect of your chart. If you’re too lazy to consider one’s whole chart, at least look at their moon and rising signs.
Scorpios unite!
As a Scorpio I must inform you that this list is upside down, and you shall suffer my terrible vengeance. When I get around to it, I do things on MY schedule. *Dons cleavage bearing top, eyeliner*
LOL! Here is a fun hint. A sample size of 1,000 is a normal and often used sample size in surveys and polls.
didn’t they recently make a big parade about how many vegetarian and/or vegan items you can get from their menu? if they axe the potatoes, i feel like that’s just mean. also nooooooo, i love the 7-layer burrito and the beefy frito burrito. sometimes i just want a ridiculously heavy fast food bag for very minimal…
The Frito burrito is my go-to extra item I get with whatever I order. Please don’t take that away.
I saw something from a TB rep that confirmed this btw.
still pissed about the drop of the Double Decker last time
I think the “I can’t keep waking up here,” Sarah tells Nyles, late in the film when the claustrophobia of a reality that’s nearly impossible to change has fully set in. is more about being faced every morning with the reminder of the shitty thing she had done the night before the wedding, and was more of a contrast…
What if all the hospitals say no? Or send the data to the White House AND the CDC? I mean, what happens if we start treating Trump like the lame duck he is (fingers crossed, knock wood, spits between fingers and alla that)?
I think you misread that, it was saying Amin has been on the force for 21 years, not that he was 21 years old and a veteran.
My favorite running gag in the revival was the MTV reality shows being too lowbrow even for them.
Okay, so we are still gonna have a flag to change at the end of this. Fucking great.
I appreciate the recommendation, but I’m not watching his show.
Thank you for being mad at the least troubling thing in this blog.
I hate that Graham Linehan has forever trainted The IT Crowd for me. I know he’s been known transphobic for a while but I somehow just found out about it. Between this and Cas Anvar grom The Expanse turning out to be a scumbag rapist, it’s been a shitty week for shows I like. But obviously I'm glad this stuff is…