
The erasing history argument is so transparently disingenuous. These colonialist statues went up on land owned by other peoples, effectively erasing their histories at the time. Thinking history begins when white people show up is peak caucasity

Anyone that has a sobbing meltdown over waiting for fast food needs to have their gun removed and to have their fitness for duty evaluated. 

Hun, she didn’t wrongly think she knew the owners. She was consciously lying as a flex to put a person of color in his place, never dreaming for a minute that she was speaking to the owner himself. 

Probably because she didn’t actually think she knew the owner?

I posted this in a different thread, but here’s my take: they were hungover at work and didn’t want to come clean about that, so they made this garbage up and had to go to the hospital (on the taxpayers’ dime, mind you) to follow through with the lie. 

Libel libel libel sue them for libel. You are going to lose business due to this, your franchisees who pour their hearts and souls into their businesses are going to lose customers, your employees are going to lose work. I get staying silent but this is ludicrous.

I mean you could have just said, “Fuck the police”.

I repeat: There will never be police reform until we as an organization realize that we do not vet, we do not test, we do not have standards. We have way too many police agencies (every little burg has one). We look for all the wrong things in a candidate. We do it all wrong.

What is with the cops and claiming their food was tampered with; and then not being able to provide evidence?

‘pop singer Charlie Puth’

Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!

Yep, and what happened to her just shows she is the exception that proves the rule.

Abolish *capitalist* schools and hospitals? Absolutely.

Wow. You can practically hear when you are reading it that it fucking KILLS this website to write anything positive about Swift.

Olympic Boxer Accused of Doping Was Just Guilty of Rawdoggin It...”

That line “she’s so articulate she can tell you how fucking stupid she is, precisely” is a windmill from the free throw line.

This is the last straw.

To be honest what Rowling intended as messages and what fans got out of the books seem increasingly at odds the more we learn of her politics and intent.

Littman’s research was criticized in large part because her methodology was hugely flawed and riddled with her own bias.

So, glory holes and gimp masks are now the recommended safe sex practices? Okay.