
But wait, there’s more:

It was a brilliant speed driven declaration of filth and fury.   Loved it.

Hunter S Thompson raises a margarita in your direction somewhere out there, methinks.

Every time Sohla is on camera, she's usually helping someone else, and it's usually obvious that she knows more than they do. Like, I love Claire, but tempering chocolate is not that hard. If you're a pastry chef, it should be well within your wheelhouse.

If Sohla says he’s bad he’s dead to me. Never liked him in the first place.

You can respect and appreciate all  involved and still think this was idiotic and absurd. It was a bad decision. It looked inauthentic and ridiculous. Most black folks don’t even celebrate kwanzaa, what the fuck do kente stoles have to do with justice in policing? They’d have been better off wearing pins or t-shirts

It said, very loud and clear, fuck y’all we are cops.

Bennett is an idiot for not reading the piece prior to publication. He has to know who Cotton is and what he was likely to write. So just on stupidity alone it is appropriate that he is out.

Mayor Fischer is the Mayor. He is the duly elected executive of Louisville. Those cops are employees of the people of Louisville.

That’d take too long. Fire them all and start over. Worked for Georgia (the country)

Fuck those pigs. They should find out who they are and fire them. They're in uniform, that doesn't protect them from the first amendment.

most of the people who are armed to the teeth, who insist that they need their arsenal as a bulwark against tyranny, actually favor the idea of the government calling in troops to brutalize people calling for equal rights for black and brown people.

Did you read the f*cking article? Get out of here with that bullshit.

As a soldier, I have a higher bar for using a weapon than LEO or a civilian. I can not fire until fired upon. Neither is true for a civy or cop.

Oh God.

the cop correcting the position seem to be the one listening in training. you put your weight between the shoulders. no harm, and a locked person

No one seems to have authority over the police forces anymore. It seems like we’re dealing with a rogue army, backed by laws to protect them, who’s union embraced the white supremacist rhetoric of the current occupant of the white house.

One could argue it’s a mob. A terrorist cell.

It’s a special kind of cop that thinks a knee to the neck is the proper response to a protest about a cop putting his knee to a guys neck.

As a political science major I can tell you this has a 1968 feel to this. As for lord stretch marks tweet, the only “thugs” I see were the ones wearing badges. As KRS-One said “Who Protects Us From You?” So he wants to start a race war to cover up the fact that over 100,000 Americans died on his watch. For the record

Interesting game fellow comrades! Please share location in comments so fellow plain-clothes comrade can come and appreciate leftist game with you, at your home.