Black Pepper Jack was THE SHIT.
Black Pepper Jack was THE SHIT.
absofuckinglutely not.
Whomst keeps ungraying the trolls?
Counterpoint: fuck Chris Paul. trade him to the Washington Generals.
I’ve had a bazillion real-ass tacos from hundreds of taquerias and restaurants, run by first-and-second-generation immigrants. I’ve worked in a restaurant kitchen alongside guys from Mexico. GTFO with calling people crazy for liking something you don’t.
Hard disagree. I have two aunts, now in their 70s, who were very liberal 15 years ago, and now will argue until they’re blue in the face the exact opposite of things they believed their entire lives until they started watching Fox News.
These BK tacos taste exactly like full-size taco versions of Jose Olé frozen mini-tacos. If you go in expecting no more than that, well, you’ll get that.
a) Taco Bell tacos are really good
+2-8 business days
52 weeks per year.
It’s not really her fault; some idiot asked her about it. It’s not like she “chose to take this stance” by scheduling a press conference to announce she wouldn’t go. Someone interviewing her asked her a question, and she answered the question presented to her.
“Boston Proper” is downtown. Brighton is about 5 miles west of that.
You could also do a lot better.
These cars all share one thing in common, which is that I wouldn’t drive any of them.
If I’m not mistaken, this game marks the very first time in history that a bunch of old white men have been concerned about the feelings of women of color.
I wasn’t really trying at all. But you seem to have gotten yourself extremely Mad Online about it for some reason, which is very amusing.
Windsor/Detroit seems obvious since Windsor is virtually in Michigan.
[extremely The Proclaimers voice]
Tom, this take is really fucking bad.
Yeah, apparently, in a technical sense, the NHL rulebook does not differentiate (having just looked it up).