
You’re right, reading is hard.

I was born in the Upper Midwest and moved to New England when I was 10. Western NY is waaaaaay more like Michigan or Wisconsin than it’s like even Eastern/downstate NY, much less New England.

Absolutely not.

Missouri is definitely part of the Midwest. That part is the asshole.

Buffalo very much, Rochester and Syracuse a little less, but those areas share a lot of immigration history (and thus ancestral cultural quirks) and dialect patterns with other Upper Midwest/Great Lakes areas.

The last two make sense. There are six* NHL teams in Canada (some with 100-year-old rivalries, some with almost-50-year-old rivalries) but there’s only one NBA team.

Having recently attended a wedding in Indiana not terribly far from the Ohio River, I can confirm. Southern Indiana is The Fucking South.

If only the NHL had added a second referee two decades ago to account for just this sort of possibility!

I feel like you’re describing a completely different sport from the one I like to watch that’s called “ice hockey” with your utterly insane defense of how this played out.

Doesn’t an embellishment penalty require by definition a corresponding penalty against the other team?

Weird, in the places I see hockey people talk, this is universally being described as one of the most egregious non-calls they’ve ever seen. (And no, I’m not just sitting in a bar across from the Garden.)

If I’ve learned anything from my entire life in America, it’s that the last thing we need is “more subjective enforcement from the police.” 

How quaint. Here’s how a 3-lane highway works in Massachusetts:

Yeah, this guy just doesn’t understand that it doesn’t work like that here.

In Massachusetts, people going slow in the left lane won’t even react unless you get that close (if they bother to move right at all, which is rare enough as it is). Driving at an actual safe distance waiting for someone to move over means you’re going to be in that exact position forever, or it means cars are going

This is my new favorite. “I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed.”

I see your Long Island and raise you a Greater Boston.

starred only for “hails mary”