
counterpoint: everything with a Ban Week post should, in fact, be banned. even zoos, a thing I love. ban them.

Maybe sit this one out for a while if pedantry is your immediate response.

how about if I ask you to stop posting?

Why don’t they just not have these stupid “playoffs”?


I can’t remember the last time I had a tall glass of milk, but I have a short or medium glass of milk on occasion. It pairs especially well with cookies, cake, and spicy food.

You’re a moronic pejorative.

On the other hand, you’re not qualified to speak on any matters at all.

counterpoint: whooooooo caaaaaaaaares

I call bullshit. “Case Cookus” isn’t a real name.

They should stop playing on Mondays, too.

This exact thing happened to me. There were only 13 kids on the team and I still only played a handful of downs a game, and I never did anything of value in practices, like, oh, being told about plays. This after the coach and his son begged me to play on the team.

I’m failing to see how petty vindictiveness isn’t capitalist af.

“I’m extremely woke, but black people are an inferior race.”
- IceHippo73

It already does host college games. It’s also got about 6,405 more seats than it needs for the crowds that amass for the mighty Rutgers-Camden Scarlet Raptors.

To wit;

My copy of the Julien Baker album arrived yesterday. Hoo boy is it something.

Related: why the fuck does anyone buy non-refrigerated pickles?

I don’t need to watch Happy Valley to want to nuke Penn State.

I, too, love an inexpensive ned frame.

I, too, love an inexpensive ned frame.