Dude, Kyrie throws his shoulder into Klay.
Dude, Kyrie throws his shoulder into Klay.
Also Kyrie literally throws his shoulder into Klay as Klay is being screened.
Didn’t we just go through how this shouldn’t be a foul a few weeks ago?
that kettle looks like a busted-ass, breaks in 3 months version of this: https://www.amazon.com/Cuisinart-CPK-17-PerfecTemp-1-7-Liter-Stainless/dp/B003KYSLNQ/
that kettle looks like a busted-ass, breaks in 3 months version of this: https://www.amazon.com/Cuisinart-CPK-17-Perf…
He most certainly does not.
at 0:13 you can just barely see that he’s going 80
it’s extremely not in Philadelphia, it’s in LA. right here, in fact: https://www.google.com/maps/@34.1752622,-118.3930055,3a,75y,70.18h,60.47t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s25x9IYTMQZb7srWWb1rMQA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
Same. Maybe I just haven’t had a good one, but I’ve never had an orgasm from a BJ. It’s nice and everything, don’t get me wrong, but I usually just end up feeling bad for her.
Certainly they could not release the information itself because it’s classified, but Trump let the cat out of the bag regarding their existence - they can no longer claim that the existence/nonexistence is classified.
Infinite Grover was so good. I still make reference to that name probably on a weekly basis.
Well, yeah, also that.
This explains so much about why America is imploding on itself right now.
This explains so much about why America is imploding on itself right now.
Depends on who you ask. If you ask Wall Street or a CEO, about 8-9 years. If you ask a human being, we’re still in it.
[edit: nevermind]
There might be distro centers here now, but there weren’t at the time they started collecting the sales tax in MA.
There might be distro centers here now, but there weren’t at the time they started collecting the sales tax in MA.
Except when it’s not. For example, here in MA, the state government pressured Amazon to collect MA sales taxes even though they have no physical facilities here.
Except when it’s not. For example, here in MA, the state government pressured Amazon to collect MA sales taxes even…
I live here (and I’m white). I’ll condemn the city. Boston is racist as fuck.
They control the governments in the north too.
I’m not the one who defines the quantity threshold for “intent to sell,” that’s the government.