
Reading is fun.


A warrior, actually.

There’s so many crazy stats that I forgot that one!

Never leave the floor, and play overtime games.

the Clippers

Look at some of these stats:

*second and third quarters happen*

He means the organization, not the city.

...which is exactly what Sportscenter used to be, when it was good. You know, like 700 years ago.

Please stop posting if this is what you’re gonna post.

First time an 8 seed beat a 1 seed

If you’re looking for nightly gamers, I don’t know why you’re looking on Deadspin.

Hey now, Commerce Content is independent of Editorial. You can’t expect them to keep up with Kinja canon.

Hey now, Commerce Content is independent of Editorial. You can’t expect them to keep up with Kinja canon.


Hey, maybe don’t call center-right politicians like Clinton, Schumer and Pelosi “the left.”

Including his son, amirite

Last week I was at a Celtics game and Isaiah Thomas had a jump ball against Giannis Antetokounmpo.

I... what

Like, a significant number of them? Try going to the store and, you know, looking. With your eyes.