You lost me at Robert Parish being good enough to be on an Olympic team in the year of our lord nineteen hundred and ninety-two. I say this as a Celtics fan.
You lost me at Robert Parish being good enough to be on an Olympic team in the year of our lord nineteen hundred and ninety-two. I say this as a Celtics fan.
don’t act like you’ve never seen goatse
‘84 Camry 4 LYFE
ok, now I’ll shit on you: learn to fucking read, you dumb asshole. once you’re done with that, find something productive to do with your time instead of being a shitass to people on the internet. most people learn how not to be a jerk in kindergarten at the same time they’re learning to read, so maybe you should try…
that wasn’t shitting on anyone, I was suggesting that you not shit on anyone. please learn how to interpret written communication.
or CDs. or records. or tapes. or bittorrent.
dude, just go do something else with your day that isn’t shitting on other people.
Prince is better; but the only other guitarist I will even entertain the argument for is Hendrix. The argument is wrong, but I’ll at least listen to it.
yeah but that’s a state, not a city.
So many levels to this. It’s amazing.
It’s SeriouslyDontChallengeDeadspin, the Joke Explainer.
get this out of the grays already.
I think you can make a pretty clear argument that the puck had not been “shot” at the goal, but the rest of the rule stands.
Intentionally dislodging the goal can be penalized with a minor penalty (Rule 63.2). If the goalie intentionally dislodges the goal when the offensive team is shooting, the ref can actually just award a goal (Rule 25.2/63.6).
RIP in peace, bridges
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You can also get the standard edition for $47.99, same 20% Prime discount.
I won’t settle for anything less than 94 more of these posts.