
A part of the reason behind loading base EVs with options is because EV technology is expensive. If a base car cost is compared to a base EV, the price difference would be clear and helpful for consumers, but drive away many of the sales.

If money is no object, I’d pick the Ineos Grenadier.

So no dongle but “base station”?

The Fast and the Faintly annoyed, eh?

My soles already do not need batteries to warm or cool my feet. Because they don’t warm or cool my feet.

Researchers: Let’s prompt/program AI to do bad thing

I do know.


No, as in you agree to be with the celebrity on the stage to engage in a fake/seductive dance whatever cringy thing he was trying to do.

If the condition laid out implicitly by the celebrity is that they will dance with you if you dance with them and not film them, then yes.

Why did they consent? I dont know. That’s not for me to decide.

You’re missing the point.

Cant believe Id be saying this in 2024, but Chris Brown was right for this one thing.

It is certainly a strategy.

The father is Sid. There! I saved you from watching the rest of the show!

My expectations of a GS hoarder have been dashed!

My take away is that CarMax reeeaaaally shafted someone on their NSX trade in.

Dang I was really hoping you’d say roof.

What does the exhaust sound like?

More to like than a pretty face” - Are you sure you’re talking about this car??