Tap-Dancin- Vaudeville Penguin

indiana is the South of the North

I was forced to live in Indiana for a few years for work and I swear to small case jesus that fucker in the red shirt up there is Everyman Indiana. Dumber than a fucking sprinkler head with the beard to vouch, loves him some pence because jesus abides and we need to cure the gays right?

“All lives matter! Well, except for when it was my bedridden father’s life. That’s no concern to me. Even though I’m trying to speak for him right now

Or prisoners suffering in inhumane conditions, abused by guards, working for pennies, and exploited at every opportunity? The ones which are overwhelmingly black and brown, because the system is inherently primed to screw them over merely by virtue of their skin and being poor--when you say "all lives matter," those

Oh, all lives matter, you say? So what are you doing for the homeless? The hungry? Refugees? Those suffering in war, both economic and traditional? The displaced? Sweatshop workers? Uninsur... Wait! I’m not done yet! Stop walking away!!

Thanks! It’s really too bad I’m a genetically mutated ox outside an abandoned Gulag. My wings get me uncensored American internet, thankfully. I can see her house from here!

Thanks.  Probably the duality between being a decent human being, and needing to anonymously comment on the internet to be less of a decent human being.

I’ve had several fans of cosplay imbeciles post responses with helpful links to fascinating tales written by other imbeciles which would educate me if I’d only read them........Is there a way to auto-dismiss so I save 2 calories?

oh boy a prequel, an origin story, those are the best

We had legitimate 300k signups of Republicans who voted in the last four elections.

The best take on this whole thing is actually Trumps. There is video of him walking up to the podium to begin his rant when you can see him look out into the arena. There is a clear grimace which quickly becomes a scowl as he sees the upper deck completely empty (ironically it’s a “sea of blue” because of the seats).

Yes, and? Sounds like 90% of all celebrities. 

Still get annoyed nightly after switching channels from Stephen Colbert to Seth Myers at 11:35pm & see Fred Armisen, a well documented & known ‘serial sexual harasser of women’, play role of 8G bandleader & drummer, the houseband for Meyer’s Late Night show. Expected much more from Seth Meyers but guess cause they’re

In Roman Holiday and Funny Face, Audrey was the one who was intense and it was her leading men Peck and Astaire who got her to lighten up and enjoy life.

What’s sad is that this baby step is still such a far cry from actual justice, which would be all 3 cops being fired, charged, arrested, convicted, and given a fitting sentence (not that slap on the wrist shit).

Not even nearly fucking enough. These pieces of shit barged into a sleeping couple’s home at 1 in the fucking morning, with a no-knock warrant obtained under flimsy pretenses. I just wish Taylor’s boyfriend had better aim; the world would be a better place if he had killed each one of these motherfuckers before they

I first saw this movie in my early 20's and was impressed at how remarkably accessible it was for such an “old” movie (it was the ‘80's).  It taught me the difference between being a nebbish and a mensch and maybe how not to strain spaghetti.

Can’t believe my review could’ve been 14 words long.

I don’t buy that at all, because even “short” binges of TV episodes are often 3 or 4 episodes, which is often well over the 100-minute mark. And people (seem to) love them!