Tap-Dancin- Vaudeville Penguin

It has nothing to do with bees or their stings. “Beestings” is a British word for colostrum, also called first milk, and custard made from beestings is especially rich. The cake was originally made with beestings custard as the filling.

I think Ed Solomon based Ziggy Piggy in Bill & Ted on Farrell’s. We had one in Birmingham when I was little, and also one in Atlanta -I remember going with my dad before Falcons and Braves games when we lived in Georgia. I also remember Swenson’s, which wasn’t as insane as Ferrell’s but still cooler than Baskin

Don’t forget the scumbag grifting Evangelicals/Televangelists who purposely inundate their flock with propaganda to suggest Obama was never a Christian and that Trump is the second coming.

The podium will be strategically set back a few extra feet from the frothing unwashed.

I hate the word droplets.

I don’t think there’s really anything that clever going on. He continued to do these rallies after the election because he is an attention junkie. The 2016 campaign rallies were the greatest he has ever felt about himself. Thousands of people chanting his name and applauding every dumb thing that falls out of his

He could give someone COVID19 on Fifth Avenue and his supporters would still love him.

They were harder than I expected, almost crisp around the outside, but with some lamination. The crispness made them pair exceptionally well with ice cream or (my personal favorite) a lake of custard scooped into the center.

It’s more like pastry than cake, with just enough gluten to stretch as you try to gnaw off a piece and keep the flakes and sugar off your shirt. 

Curious & sorta off-topic question/inquiry for ‘boots on ground’ Oklahomans kinja platform participating/commenting:

Whatever. Breathe deep, mother fuckers!

I have been wondering that for four - five years.

Do it anyways.

I enjoy smoking outdoors when it’s nice, and vaping in bed at night. 

Hey, I remember having a discussion with you about vaping a good while back. Did you ever end up trying out some sort of vape system and if you did, did you like it?

My favorite thing to do on edibles is live the life I wanted.

Yep, he’s the GOP’s useful idiot, just like Dubya and Reagan before him.

The same place where history showed that Blacks were slaughtered for daring to be successful; You can’t get more repugnant than this!

I quickly ate my weight in these last summer while in Prague (along with a lot of KFC), but the highlight was finding a place (near the Hot Dog Bar) that had them stuffed with pulled pork and hot dogs.

Prague does not fuck around. 

No offence taken. Of course I’m reffering to fresh corn. The kernals do pop a little bit when you hit them. I’m not a complete troglodite; I just play one on the internet! 😊