This is so farkin romantic.
This is so farkin romantic.
I don’t think that’s Allison’s hand?
This is a very common misconception. Yeah, every city has a fairly substantial redneck niche. Dudes with buzz -cuts hanging out the windows of rusted pick up trucks..... Their try-hard “I don’t care what you think” just makes them a different kind of poseur.
Ok, yeah. The woman sounds lunatic. She’s claiming the young woman has “pink hair”? If that gal is rocking some pink locs I need to meet her like yesterday for some hair tips, lol. Maybe Ms. Natty got triggered or something.
Now everyone knows who you are, Mr. Cibotti. Say, where do you work?
I love hearing this woman speak.
That’s more than just a slight correction. Thanks for the comment. I mean it doesn’t make this any less horrendous.
“...has ties to law enforcement.” White people who brown nose idiot cops are just the fucking worst.
I wish I had been there. I don’t even know what kind of comfort one could offer to Ms. Rice. I hope the fact that people have risen up to join her in the movement keeps the flame of her spirit burning hard. Tamir’s siblings are having a very rough time too. All of these murders-by-police destroy the lives of WOMEN and…
What the....
Looks like someone’s been to Mardi Gras.
In my town it would be pointless to even call around. No one will have it ): Every once in a blue moon I find sugar or fat free frozen yogurt. People here don’t like frozen yogurt. Can you order something like this online? If so, how does is get to your door without melting?
Wuuuut? Hahahaaaa!
Such good reading. Who doesn’t love history? Food history has become my favorite history lately. The Dwyer piece on Chicken a` la king is perfect, the bit about The Brighton Beach Hotel is tasty too. After just one sample you want more so I spent a good hour googling my way into strangers’ kitchens and pantries, most…
Thanks for reminding us that women always carry the burden. Black women just aren’t getting the representation they should by BLM, imo. They do all of the work: organizing, showing up, speaking on everyone’s behalf: Making sure people are fed and have a place to go. Raising children, working through the pandemic,…
Exactly. This is what I was going for ;)
Cereal good with yogurt too.
OMG. I could not live with a beast that has a machete on its face. And Rice Crispies + was my first choice, but I could not remember what they are called. LOVE them. Snap crackle pop!