Bad Idea Hat

Ahahahahahahah Wyler.


I love me a dose of morning salt.

Did...you read my comment?

This is the kind of “us vs. them” bullshit that’s dividing this country.  The forces you speak of are a tiny, but growing group (thanks to a “no compromise” NRA attitude).  If we spend all day screaming about “them”, the people who want to divide this country have won.

I would, without owning a gun, be 100% in agreement with any gun group that made it their mission to be simply a gun safety organization. No politics, no us vs them bullshit. Just gun safety, which is something everyone needs to know.

I mean, I agree with your sentiment, but the fact is that we need to move the country back to the point where being racist is fringe. It 100% should not be politically dangerous to talk about racism being bad.

Having watched him all season, late in games when we’re losing, he usually looks generally disappointed. More so if he’s had a bad game at the plate as well.

That ball misses and everything goes wrong, and we have our second fatality in baseball due to an HBP. A message needs to be sent that intentionally hitting someone at the shoulders or above with a pitch is no longer kosher.

Holy shit! Matt Nokes!

I know, I’m primarily a baseball fan at this point.

Just ignore him.  Notice that his way of debating is to commit numerous gross violations of basic standards of debate.

See, I disagree that being simply white got him those things. Having the singular ability to spew bullshit that the people funding him likes is definitely the primary reason. Maybe the people funding him also like that he’s white. I don’t doubt for a second that if they could find a black person to spew the same

I...don’t see how that matters, unless you’re worried about being replaced, or 14 words, or any number of things.

I think it’s cute how people who don’t care about a sport decide that everyone wants to hear how edgy they are when they comment about that sport.

This takes me back to 2004, when the Pistons knocked off the “unbeatable” Lakers in 5. They won with a combination of insanely good offensive teamwork, as well as an absolutely stifling defense.

Holy hell, I was expecting a tHom story.

Do you know what I hate?

I was talking to my dad about the Trout contract, and said I’d easily pay Trout twice what anyone was willing to pay Harper.