Tanzina Ahmed

>Watson in her opinion is way too motherly, to the point of it being sexists and offensive

Do you even *go* here?

A new Gregson storyline would be great, as I'm sure the actor could more than handle it. Perhaps we could see if Sherlock could regain Gregson's trust completely…?

Mycroft is simply wondrous, no doubt helped by the fact that his actor has tremendous chemistry with both Lucy Liu and JLM. And Lestrade is so much more visibly screwed up than either Gregson or Bell that I'd love to see more of him too — even though I'm sure he'd only heap some more personal disaster on himself

To be totally honest, I didn't care about this mystery at all, though I'm always happy to see a smarmy git in a business suit taken down a peg or two. I knew the ginger was evil from the get-go and was just hoping to get back to Mycroft as much as possible. I actually wish the mystery was more Mycroft-related — I'm

I’m so glad this show is back. I’ve missed Joan’s radiance, Sherlock’s angry kitty face, and basically everything about their awesome partnership and supporting cast. Like the review said, I especially loved the development of Sherlock’s character. I love how true-to-life his “changes” and his attempt to take Step 9

I want to like this show but it’s all so… bland. It’s like a
card-board box that has a bunch of wacky characters (Skye, super-hacker
who lives in her van! Hunky agent guy, who misses his grandma! Those
inexplicable British twin(?) medical/tehnical wizards who swear they’re
not practicing magic!) to cover up how drab

Believe me, I'm not Don's biggest fan either. Man is the human equivalent of a black hole and pretty much everyone in his life would be better off if he went the hell away. I'm not trying to glorify him in any way, shape or form — I'm just pointing out that Megan also isn't meeting up to her full responsibilities as a

I actually like Faye too much to want her to remain with the human tire fire that is Don Draper. Plus, I bet she'd have too much self-respect to stay with his ass if he tried even half the shit he's pulled with Megan so far. She'd probably make him go shit in an actual ocean if he dared to try and slut-shame her!

I'm so pro-choice you'd have to pry my Plan B away from my stone-cold hands. And I would never, ever think a woman who's had an abortion is somehow a bad person or unfit to be a mother later on. (Like, ever, seriously. I've never had an abortion but I wouldn't hesitate if I wasn't ready for a pregnancy.) But given

Basically what I think. Megan likes the kids fine but she doesn't want them around often because they're basically a distraction from what she really wants to do — pursue her career. Which is great for her — the more she's independent from Don and his flaming car wreck of a life, the better. But the claims that Megan

Horribly funny in the way only something that's mean as hell could be.

Yes, I'm tired of teary sad episodes. You know they'd just use it as an excuse to cram in more Sad Don flashbacks as well. Bleah.

Poor guy might get a pity Emmy in the 7th and final season, I think. That's his only hope at this point — he's overlooked so consistently!

Megan doesn't want to be anything more than an occasional babysitter for the kids. She's more of a big sister than anything else. Do you really think she'd be happy if Betty up and dumped three young children (or rather, 2 preteens and a toddler, which is even worse) on her, given how her career is now taking off and

I'm thrilled to see you here! And not to start any shit (oh, who am I kidding, I TOTALLY want to start shit…) but how do you feel now about the flack your show got ahead of time for supposedly "aping" BBC's Sherlock — especially when Sherlock's head-writer, Moffat, fretted about your show being bad enough to "ruin the

I'm just grateful we had one season finale for a continuing series that didn't end by making me sweat bullets. Plus, the bee scene with Sherlock and Joan was too good to pass up and bought the show full circle, starting from their rocky early partnership. It was a good way to go out in my eyes.

If those two versions of her joined forces, I'm pretty sure they'd rule the world.

I should make it clear that I didn't mind BBC's Irene stripping down on its own. It was a pretty sexy scene, she and Sherlock had some enjoyable banter in it, and so on.

Oh, god forbid someone should actually compare two recent tv adaptations of the same source material and find the one you favor ever so wanting. Can you ever forgive me, my lady? Or shall I now have to toss myself into the river Thames?