Tanzina Ahmed

Here, by the way, is Jaime Moriarty's letter in full:

It's like this show enjoys making me relax with wacky internet hi-jinx, Sherlock getting into flame-wars, Joan decoding dolls if various state of death and disaster, and cute pats on the back over bringing a criminal fugitive to justice via sticky-fingers…

I like to think of him as the Diet Coke of Cary!

Yes, the writers need to stop with the 'mysterious' writing tic for Kalinda and start actually providing explanations for her past and current behavior already. It's the 5th (and maybe last, unfortunately) season of the show and if we end it with Kalinda still being a combo of Helen of Troy and Batman, it'll really

That just makes me even sadder that this seems to perhaps be the show's last season. CBS is treating it very poorly with the late starts due to football and the ratings are down. TGW didn't even get that many Emmy noms for its last season either. Am I the only one worried that it'll be canceled after this season? Does

I seriously can't imagine this show writing Kalinda off, given how much promo Archie Panjabi does for it! And it would be a shame as well, given that Kalinda genuinely could be a fantastic character again, if only the show would actually write some good storylines for her.

That's the problem with too much use of really specialized guest characters like David Lee. When they start popping up all over the place but the plot makes it impossible to use her 'special powers' — like David Lee's defection sniffing senses — it just weakens them overall.

Heh… is that the one who was all into knowing what dress Alicia was going to wear for Peter's inaugural ball? He was a hoot!

This episode also left me very curious about where this show is going to take Kalinda’s character — she’s been strangely minimized so far. This might actually be a good thing considering how terrible most of her story-lines in season 4 were. (Remember her weird quest for health insurance and her shitty ex-husband? I

That was a pretty damn good episode! I got a huge kick out of seeing the NSA come into the mix and thought the 'behind the scenes' of the various geeks and suits there getting into the soap opera that is life at Lockheart-Gardner was great. It added a nice tension to the mix and the geeks especially felt like a

Heh, sometimes I wish we could get a DVD version of series that simply cuts all the crimes-of-the-week out to focus on more character building stuff. I know they're obviously necessary… but I'd rather watch 45 straight minutes of Joan and Sherlock talking and solving problems of the *heart* rather than anything else.

At this point, I'd settle just for Gregson being a silver-fox again. Hate his new hair color!

>I'm especially glad that it's not a situation where Joan openly cares
about Sherlock but he's more outwardly callous and has to show his
affection only through little gestures, which is how I was really afraid
this show was going to go from the outset.

Also, Bell's sassiness with Sherlock during the initial view of the math crime scene was hilarious. "Actually, before you came along, I never solved a case before. Neither had the rest of the department. Most of us were thinking of packing, leaving, letting the city fend for itself." And then Sherlock's hilarious

As though I didn't love Joan and Sherlock's partnership enough, this episode came and gently whalloped me in the heart. All through season 1, we've seen Joan be Sherlock's emotional support, to the point where she literally held him up when he broke down after discovering "Irene" wasn't quite as dead as he believed

Yes, exactly. I'm already rolling my eyes everytime the little twerp comes onscreen and am not looking forward to him causing more problems for Alicia (or original flavor Cary) either.

She's definitely both the most pivotal figure of the Florrick & Agos rebellion — and the one under the most pressure from all sides. I'm sure that while Will and Diane would be furious at the other 4th years, they'd concentrate most of their ire on her — and go after her. Not to mention what the press would do if they

I liked most of the premiere but I hated new Carey. He's like the Diet Coke of Cary — none of the charm, only the swarm. And I question how good of a lawyer he could possibly be if he spends most of his onscreen time getting in Alicia's face and bitching at her.

I loved the season finale and am thrilled to finally see the show showcasing more Cary! Besides being handsome as hell (hey, if you can have Kalinda having umpteeth sex scenes, I'm entitled to Cary-in-a-suit dreams), he's grown so much as a character since he played a smarmy git in season 1. I think this season

Seriously, yes. I have no idea how *anyone* could possibly argue that Joan Watson is somehow a sexist caricature when they're defending BBC Sherlock — a show where the main female characters are either nagging bitches (Sally), simpering love-sick mice (Molly), or actual *prostitutes* (Irene.)