Tanzina Ahmed

I actually agree that Natalie Dormer wasn't all that magnificent in the first half of the episode. She's usually effortlessly charismatic and compelling as a performer but that horrible American / New Joisey accent she had to put on during most of "The Woman" made her go flat. However, once she finally got to play as

Actually, the naked thing is another great parallel.

Thanks! Checking it out now.

I don't think Dormer has ever played an out-and-out villain, has she? Plenty of emotionally ambiguous and socially manipulative women like Anne Boleyn and even Margaery Tyrell — but this is the first time I've ever seen her as a killer, and she *excelled* in that role. Watching her go from being fragile, victimized

Oh god, yes. Don't let me even get started on how insipid and horrifyingly sexist the BBC version of Irene was. Somehow, they took a character who was "the woman" to Sherlock Holmes solely *because* she was the only woman he'd ever run across who could out-smart him — and made her a coy dominatrix who ends up being

The real world irony is also that Moriarty was doing New Macedonia quite a favor by keeping it away from using the EU as currently. Look at the shit-storm that's going on in the Greek economy BECAUSE it's being forced to use the EU currently!

I think Sherlock not cottoning on to the dubiousness of Joan's phone call from her mother is a reflection of his own pain and worry/shock/anger over Irene clouding his judgement. Not for nothing does her phone-call literally come right after Joan finishes dressing his wound and Sherlock refuses to say how much it

I can't help but think that this show's version of Irene Adler is an enjoyably sneaky take-down of the BBC's version of the same character.

What he can't do, she can do — and vice versa. They really do have a very balanced, friendly, and yet enjoyably prickly relationship — one of the best friendships on tv right now, I think. I vastly prefer them as ap air to the BBC's version of Sherlock and John, who kind of come off as co-dependent crazy people

Moriarty was defeated by her own inability to see Sherlock (and his partnership with Joan) clearly — just as he was at first defeated by his own inability to see Irene clearly. These two really are alike! And of course, Joan tips the balance toward Sherlock decisively.

I actually thought Moriarty getting taken down by under-estimating Joan made beautiful sense and was great poetic justice. Moriarty had clearly previously dismissed Joan as Sherlock's "mascot" and possible fuck buddy — someone he had hanging around for the sake of personal or sexual convenience. And having conned

I actually think that making Watson a woman — and a woman of color at that — might have been the catalyst for making her version of Watson more than just a "mascot" (as Morirene put it) or loveable supporting-staff to Holmes, as all too many Sherlock Holmes adaptations do. (Paging BBC John Watson here!)  By putting a

It's a damn good thing she's really British too. I love Natalie Dormer like burning (she's been fantastic in pretty much all the tv roles I've seen her on!) but her American/New Jersey (?) accent was HORRIBLE. She simply couldn't act or even be all that alluring while putting it on! It even sounded like they had to

I believe this is the only freshman CBS show this season to get renewed, showing the network definitely has some trust in it. Plus it's being paired with 2 1/2 Men next season — and as horrible as THAT show is, it has monster ratings. CBS is clearly trying to groom Elementary to be a success for years to come!

Well, the writers have said that they're hoping to entice Natalie Dormer back to the show, allowing for her schedule. I have little doubt that she'll show up again — I just hope it's from a position of strength! As much as I liked seeing Sherlock and Joan best her, she's wonderfully wicked when she's batting them

Weirdly, I do find this series' Sherlock/Joan dynamic to be way more platonic and genuinely friendly than the rather weird, co-dependent relationship that Sherlock/John have on the BBC version. Oddly, even though Joan has literally been her Sherlock's minder in a way John hasn't for HIS Sherlock, she seems a lot less

Yes, the same for me as well! And Lucy Liu's version of Watson — while obviously non-canonical in any number of ways — is my favorite filmed Watson of all. She isn't just some constellation that revolves around her Holmes and his various antics and deductions — she's his equal and maybe even his superior, in some

The Four Seasons, I believe. And now I'm curious about how Moriirene managed to stage 4 (?) assassinations within the midst of similarly busy restaurants! Is that supposed to also be a tip of the hat to Irene Adler's assassination by Moriarty in a busy restaurant in the recent RDJ films…?