
🙄 it was included in promotional marketing for the episode. It's not a spoiler. Get over it

This exactly. My wife literally runs an LGBTQ+ book club for teens at a youth center, loves the HP series because she grew up with the books as a kid, has done out reach for and marched in our cities pride parade and hates JKR but doesn't let her being a piece of shit ruin something she loved growing up.

Once again, from a strictly ideological perspective, I'm on your side. However, saying "If you don't immediately agree with me 100 percent, I won't defend my argument and I won't interact with you in any way", you're being ridiculous. Not everyone is a hard-line internet douchebag. I once explained to someone that gay…

As someone that actually has a trans family member here (who bought the game), that I love deeply, thanks for having such a rational take. People want to throw all reason and nuance out the window with these topics and they become so detrimental to the very movement they are trying to champion without even realizing…

This is a logical fallacy argument, you know that right?

So what would you say to my trans family member who bought this game?

Yet you are almost certainly doing the same thing. Please red off every food brand you buy, and every manufacturing label for your clothes for me please. I bet you cherry pick these situations just like the people you are attacking.

Imagine getting yelled at by a bunch of people and broad brushed, now less people want to be related to you. The boycotters are outright hostile the same way the right and the left extremists are hostile to the other side. Y’all wanna meet up and guillotine an author I’m game but I’m not flying over the pond if…

...are you, though? Or do you just do a lot of pretentious whinging in comment sections?

Well if your attitude is reflected by those on your side, then I can see why they’d not join you.

She. Didn’t. Make. This. Game.

I will say this once to the greys: I have not and will not buy Hogwarts Legacy, but I do not place the burden of conscientious consumerism upon everyone else in order to take some sort of moral high ground online. The entire situation is backfiring and the game is set to break sales records.

Nope, I’m calling bs on that. It’s not saying that.

But it’s true, you don’t have to hate everything someone’s ever done in the past due to what they did in the present.

That’s the key, a ‘reasonable person’, but when did reasonable people ever brigade and crusade across the internet?

If only 99% of the discussion around this wasn’t absolute brainworms awful shit.

Then you’re a sociopath, Girlfriend Games is incredibly wholesome and they were actively donating to The Trevor Project while streaming, the psychos that hijacked their streams and brought a woman to tears through bullying aren’t allies of anything or anyone, they’re using trans suffering as an excuse to be shit…

become a battlefield over whether or not trans people deserve human rights.

No reasonable person is saying that, but a LOT of unreasonable people are, and very loudly. Everyone discussed in this article is an asshole, and I would never defend them, nor am I on their side, but there are plenty of people harassing anyone who isn’t explicitly boycotting and bashing this game, and those people…

I think that’s part of the problem in your opening line - there’s a lot of unreasonable people, and that isn’t one-sided. Plenty of transphobes are being nasty, there is absolutely no doubt, and it’s vile. But there are also just as vile activists calling for streamers to commit self-harm and drive away what is…