
I’m not sure I’d classify battery life good enough to last through a vast majority of reasonable play sessions as “poor” but hey, whatever, other controllers last longer so I’m sure that nullifies any argument to the contrary.

Nah, other than the battery life they are great.  I wish the XBox controllers had some of the same features.

Activision Blizzard has proven to be an extremely toxic company that has taken advantage of their employees in disgusting ways”

It does make me wonder, even if she’s already rich, could it be effective to stop supporting work she’s associated with in order to reduce the negative effects.

Aren’t like 40% of Kotaku articles “Someone said something bad on the internet”?

Wouldn’t the toxic people be gaslighting you into thinking the emote is always a negative thing?

Most of the time, when I see gamers calling something “toxic,” I turn into Inigo Montoya from The Princess Diaries—“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”

I don’t think there’s anything racist about it. It’s just a kind of smug looking picture, very meme-ready. 

They are famous because people enjoy watching them play video games. Not because they play video games.

This may be a very weird thing to say, but I’ve always felt that a lot of big streamers got big simply because they got to the space first, not because they have a particular talent for being an entertainer.

This is a by product, but not the main thing. Any sports fan roots for their team, don’t matter the quarter. So its cool, I guess but this will not be the main talking point of fans of either teams.

Oh, well, thank god the pizza place is stable. Forget all that personal/private/potentially sensitive data being farmed to the Chinese. As long as we have local pizza.

sure, but why, when you’re adapting something, would you adapt out one of the most iconic and recognizable concepts in favor of maybe being a hair more realistic?

How about just buy from developers who make good games. If the game is worth $30 are you not going to buy it because it never went on a sale? Do you only buy games years after they release to understand how the publisher will treat that game? Just seems like a backwards line of thinking, what do you care about a

You’re not understanding the point then.

Not having sales(and having the price at 30 instead 29.99) is just them being upfront about the minimum they’ll take and always taking that minimum. I used to work for a company that did the same thing, no sales ever, which meant that people would never feel like they missed a

You know, I was kind of with you a while. You had some bold takes, not all I agreed with, but I do think Troy Baker is a huge phoney and I do not understand all the love and praise that man gets, he has the range of a CW character, and his entire persona is just fake. Unpopular opinion, as noted by the angry comments

I struggle to find the point of this article even existing, honestly.

God this is atrocious “criticism” of the type where simply identification of a trope somehow equals bad storytelling. Did the writer get his education about film from cinemasins? And why start off an article about a game by admitting you don’t even know when it was released and didn’t have enough initiative to simply

If you think these hobbies are only accessible to trust fund babies you have a skewed view of reality. Not to mention that this ad hominem has no actual bearing on the point I was making.

not since the mid 90s.