
I would rather have a person managing the tides of war than an algorithm. A person knows how to react to player sentiment and keep things interesting, a computer doesn’t.

The headline says “best” not “most popular”.

I’m more baffled why would want to remaster or remake it. It’s a game that holds up very well and is backwards compatible to the PS5. It doesn’t need a remake or a remaster, unless people just wants the best graphics of the generation. I’d much prefer a sequel or a spiritual successor in the same vein as Demon’s Souls

right but it still requires sony to give them money AND get their blessing. FromSoftware has a reputation to keep up and a low effort port is likely not something they want. they want something like the demon souls remake where it had value in spades or have it be a free update to bloodborne that everyone gets because

Oh, sure! All they have to do is yell “Convert! Upscale! ENHANCE!!” at it and snap their fingers and it’s done! Easy-peasy! Of course!

This is the correct response, but people do not want to hear it.

You also have to remember this is also a site that complains a movie is too long if it’s over 75 minutes.

Lots of people seem to like the art, which confuses me deeply. I’m 100% with you on the visuals - it’s deeply ugly, very unappealing to look at.

I was absolutely bored by the insipid writing in the game—in a genre where writing is the most important part--so I don’t wholly disagree, but ugly? Damn bro, time to up your glasses prescription

The Hobbit is an adaptation of a novel combining more than just the Hobbit itself into it.

Good, I am not alone.  I tried playing this on my Steam Deck and while it looks great, I just couldn’t get through the absolutely endless dialogue and dialogue choices.  I feel like I’m being Beavis & Butt-head (“If I wanted to read [in a music video], I’d go to school”) but it’s just not fun.

I’ve seen a bunch of clips on social and woo boy, best I can say about it over the M. Night versions is at least there’s inflection in the dialogue and the characters look the part.

Sure I do. I don’t like murder mysteries.

I’ve owned every console released over the past 30 years with the exception of the Series S/X. I’m not a “playstation dork”. I just really dislike the direction Microsoft is trying to take the industry. Streaming practically killed the music industry and is absolutely crippling the film industry. Charging headlong

are they still owned by Microsoft?  I won’t support Microsoft unless I absolutely have to.

These are videogames. The point of this medium is not to efficiently get thru a plot, it’s to interact and play with things.

I’m glad Claire drew the review straw for this one. Yeesh.

It’s not like Thanos was a villain casual fans cared about either. I’d bet good money that a lot of the non-comics audience had never heard of him before the Infinity saga.

was there any note on whether galatic conquest will be playable online or only local, that was my fav mode on bf2.

Ive never preordered anything so fast in my life.