
Okay, okay, you want to blow him.  We get it.

It is absolutely wild to me that people like this just get the benefit of the doubt. Why? Because he has millions of followers that have made him wildly wealthy by making, to use your own words “intellectually vapid content,” which is objectively what it is.

You know how when you were a kid, there was that one popular thing that at least half the school was into, despite the fact that it sucked?

a low effort click funnel -an attempt to sell ad revenue by getting people to click the equally nonsensical clickbait

Shut the fuck up, asshole. He’s not going to give you any of the money you gave him back, or say your name on his stream.

This comment has “two kids in a trenchcoat” energy

If you can’t read between the lines of this story about a shitty celebrity coming into an unethically low-paying job and complaining about the location’s low sales numbers on his trash merch, then I’d argue that you’re more likely the person who’s never done retail work. That wouldn’t be fun for anyone but the largest

I may be a tad old at this point, but I flipped on his channel surfing through my Roku Live list, watched for about 20 seconds, then immediately went to something else. What the fuck is this knob’s appeal? 

I feel like every YouTube star that becomes the temporary king of the hill is just some immature brat leading an army of children who will soon forget him.

A good store manager would trespass this clown instead of allowing him to harass their employees.

idk I logged in six separate times over the weekend, including at peak hours Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and never waited more than 10 minutes to get in. my squad I played with each time all got in within 20. so i suspect it’s a mix of a lot of people exaggerating wait times and some people who just got really

Hurray, the armchair server architects are here!

Well, apart from all the mentions. Given 400,000 people were playing at once, most users could log in. However, yes, with the vast numbers of people, there have been issues, as mentioned.

I have a couple hundred hours into this game now and may have encountered one “game breaking” bug that required me to go back to the latest autosave. I’m not saying it didn’t happen, plenty of people like you attest that it does and I have no reason to doubt it. Of your points the only part I personally experienced

I’ve played it five times, including runs on both Tactician and Honour mode. I played it at launch, and then through several patches. Other than some performance issues that were resolved over time, and a brief save bug that required waiting for a patch to access recent saves, I never encountered any game breaking

This is exactly why fanboys are idiots when they want one or the other to fail.  If only one of these companies is ever left standing, you can be rest assured you’ll get the minimum possible effort on future consoles.

It’s going to be very interesting to see what happens. With both Intel and AMD making a huge push to add graphics processing to their CPUs I could see a day where it is very hard to even buy a laptop that doesn’t have excellent GPU capabilities. In which case we again hit the scenario of “Why buy another device?”

As a fan of Sea of Thieves I’m pretty excited. That’s a ton of new players. 

The word “BIG” is doing a lot of heavy lifting in this headline after that presentation.

The games listed above aren’t going to attract a wide or new audience. Long running franchises are good at retention. Niche titles don’t draw large numbers to a platform no matter how well they review.