The GOP doesn’t care about facts. They just want that NRA money, it’s disgusting.
The GOP doesn’t care about facts. They just want that NRA money, it’s disgusting.
No need to bring racist nonsense into this. All your doing is making it easier for true racist to recruit more. Needless loss of life is bad ok, let’s get everyone we can onboard. Even if many of those at a country music concert kind of got what they... Oh man it’s hard not to not to but we must do it for the greater…
Don’t get me wrong, I’m totally glad you guys did it but you really need to look in the history of how it really came about and those that paid the price to make it happen. Unless the documentary I watched on it many many years ago was a total fabrication your way under playing the difficulty and the Aussie gun nuts.…
I can’t wait for Alex Jones to be infuriated at all the “crisis actors” involved in this “false flag” and try to prove that no one died & the country music festival was paid for by Soros...
If anyone’s first (or second, or third or 43rd) thought to a call for gun control is, “Geez, let the bodies cool first” or “Don’t politicize this tragedy,” go ahead and delete your comment, delete your account and fuck right the fuck off.
So how is the NRA going to spin this one?
There are a large number of people in the US that want gun reform. However we have a number of economic and cultural hurdles in front of it:
On Saturday morning a crazy young man in combat fatigues was trying to run people down in Melbourne, then exited the car and attacked police. They tazed him and arrested him. No one was injured. Imagine if that guy had easy access to automatic weapons?
The well-regulated militia at work!
I cling to the hope the election of Trump had made Democrats stop being cowards about actual policy.
From your description, I’m guessing you’re a fellow Aussie and you’re talking about Port Arthur? It really is an experience worth learning from. While we may never have been as big on guns as America, gun ownership used to be seen as a big part of rural life, and there were some shocked reactions to talk of a ban. But…
Fucking America and its guns. This shit has to stop.
I was about to say something about gun control in America...but then I remembered Sandy Hook and realized if that didn’t change anything, I doubt this will. I really hope I’m wrong about that.
So what’s your point it’s only sexist and wrong when it happens to a female. Like everyone involved with the new Wonder Woman movie are bunch of sexist and ageist pieces of shit because they didn’t give Linda Carter the role.
What? Bewitched did it to Dick in mid stream!
And in an angry nutshell, you’ve explained why we ought to tax carbon rather than legislate people’s choices.
Any church or other religious organization that is physically capable of offering shelter during a disaster and doesn’t should have its tax-free status automatically revoked. They should have to pay taxes like any other business until they can prove their charitable value to the community.
If you resort to calling a black man a white supremacist, you probably don’t have a good grasp of the issues you are discussing.
There is nothing new about center mounted instruments.
What’s awsome about having to look at the center console to see how fast you’re going, and not having quick, easy, dedicated analog dials for hvac and especially the volume? Touchscreen doesn’t always equal better. If the would fix that and give the front end a grill this car would a lot better, although from the MT…