
I’ve owned a few nice cars and quality girls don’t give a flip. I’m also very ugly so you have to factor that in also.

I know we’re supposed to hate this woman because she’s white and is supposedly living in the wrong neighborhood based on that, but I’d be pissed too if some asshole parked his ice cream truck outside my house and played annoying music every day, and then told me to “fuck off” when I tried to be upfront and work with

I also don’t trust other drivers, which is precisely why I support autonomous driving systems.

Well, it’s RWD car AND doesn’t look like this...

Odd religious references aside, I’m with the neighbors. I don’t want an amateur auto repair shop next to my home and if you’re honest, you probably don’t either.

I’m from California, but most riders are very inconsiderate and pass at high speed or squeeze through tiny spaces and snap their throttles as they ride by. I couldn’t car else’s but again, most motorcyclists who lane split are rude.

It’s all about the spring and damping rates compared to sidewall flex. Suspensions have gotten so advanced, the aesthetics of a large wheel have become the norm. But a lot of cars fitted with very low-profile tires have mushier suspensions to compensate. It’s been kind of fun to watch...well, except for having to buy

No but he is a lying piece of stinky poo.

Yes, I do give black women credit for the courage of their convictions.

Feelings are running high today, the takes will be scorching and rightly so. Everyone is bringing their own baggage and experiences to their analysis of this fucked up situation. With that said, I read Jezebel quite a bit and never saw anything like what you’re describing and if someone did post something like that

It feels like you didn’t read literally two sentences later:

Married and non-dating single people pay for coffee and dinner and concerts and shit too, so I wouldn’t really call that a cost of “dating” specifically. That’s just normal stuff people buy. It’s not like you wouldn’t eat food if you weren’t on a date.

I am not a fan of using the term “white privilege” because it seems to encourage the idea that some form of reparation is required when technically the “head start” began long before the discovery and arrival of people to America and the Trans-Atlantic slave trade and influences places other than America. Also, not

No way! The Lexus porn mustache grills are awful.

They’re push to open, rather than self-presenting, which will remain Model S and X exclusive.

Now playing

Door Handle is a manual push to open.. Here it is on this Model 3 Demo.

I think I just don’t like that its on an arm.

Having a digital-only rather than a physical speedometer needle means that you can’t know how fast you’re going if the electrical systems in the car fail. This is a serious problem for Teslas operating on downhill gradients.

Unless he died in it, who cares

“I’d have more respect for them if they didn’t vote at all.”