
You do not need 40 plus amps to charge at home. If your EV is efficient and or your commute is like 30 mi or something and or your destination offers any kind of charging, you are good.

You have to pay $30,000 to cut in line or to accept an order for something you put money down on 4 years ago. It’s a total rip-off but there’s enough people that are older and have some money and are like, what the hell. But the number of folks willing to put another $100,000+ on top of that is pretty small. By the

No fan of Musk and total liar and hypocrite he has turned into over the last 5+ years but welcome to insurance of anything in the United States. Didn't they just partner with a normal insurance provider for some kind of bulk rate?

Okay, fair is fair. Including wars and sweetheart deals on taxes for the fossil fuel industry, I’m going to guesstimate about $1,000 a gallon for gasoline.

Yeah like none of it’s true. Even if you believed the costs were that close they don’t include issues like the gas tax not being raised to account for inflation and the cost of repairing roads. States penalizing EVs by adding a tax regardless of how many miles they drive. And all the tax incentives, wars and health

Yeah well, some of us have parents and siblings that treat us like garbage and think that they should just be instantly be forgiven on a regular basis and it gets old. My friend’s brother embezzled from his company and then his mom is like oh just from giving him he’s your brother. F that noise, some people refuse to

Haven’t you been listening to Trump, everybody’s over there getting knifed all the time and there’s no real health care cuz nobody can get any health care over there by blah blah blah blah I’m Trump!

Oh no you don’t, it’s my god-given right to not pay in and then bitching moan when things go bad. Think of all those poor innocent people being forced to pay for backup cameras in their new $15k to $30k cars.

But every time I try to get candy from Amazon it’s been melted at some point.

But every time I try to get candy from Amazon it’s been melted at some point.

Vote are Democrats and or scientists and or people who give a damn about others than themselves.

Yeah he'd be president are on the Supreme Court.

But data showing an asteroid coming is just Shenanigans by the liberal Elite to get money for calculating asteroid trajectories or take something from somebody I don’t know that’s always what Fox News says anyway. If it is verified by anybody else they’re just being paid to say that as well. All those little kids that

The steel guy praises his savior Trump while numerous factories go under from the increase price of steel.

If only he was that smart.

Looks good you say. Hmm...?

It is the most creative and attractive design language I've seen from portion decades.

Wouldn’t anybody that bought or rented a car that expensive and that ugly be solidly in “shameless poseur crowd"?

the stuff where Elon Musk called a child-rescuing hero a pedophile because he was upset that a half-ass submarine idea he had was useless.”

I’ll believe it when I see it. Like the super pricey wrinkle creams that keep getting better every 3-6 months. By now shouldn’t just be able to apply and be look like 30 years younger?

Saying things like a “TON of caveats” and “an actual tent” and “Tesla’s factory appearing to be covered in the sort of grime and grit you wouldn’t see in, say, a McLaren factory” and “but the company itself is a total basket case.” aren’t pushing things a certain way?