
This article is mostly accurate, with a TON of caveats.

I don’t understand all the hate. Did everyone here have personal run-ins with this guy? Maybe he did behave badly in the relationship maybe he didn’t I don’t think we’ll ever know for sure. He’s always betrayed himself as a nice intelligent guy. But maybe he is an awful person. I just don’t understand all the hateful

Was going to post. Man not sure how I feel about the new Mustang. Reminds me of the Honda Avalanche.

Yeah but there’s one of those two things that they always make sure happens and one they basically never make sure happens.

Gosh darn Musk and his dumb autopilot... oh, nevermind.

“If that happens, contact a local consumer protection attorney.” No worries Trump and his cronies will get rid consumer protections toot sweet.

My vote is for Tesla to figure out a way to detect it and permanently disable the cars.

Unfortunately they’re likely to kill a bunch of innocent bystanders.

I call them spoilers for a reason, the smaller the better if none at all.

Only if someone can explain to me why people buy Porsches and Bugattis. Hundreds of thousands sometimes Millions for really ugly cars.

Not even not even close to the same thing.


Sugar daddy, more like sugar coating. Whatever it takes to justify whatever you want to do I guess. To pretend that this kind of behavior doesn’t have other side effects and I could care less about any sort of biblical notions of morality. Maybe douchebags like Trump wouldn’t be such a douche bags if they couldn’t

It may not be for everyone but I like my Model S and the fact that I’ve never had to take it to a gas station. I just plug it in every night and I have 260-ish miles available to me each morning.

What a bunch nonsense. If you charge someone by the time spent, then you don’t lie about the amount of time you spent working on something. If you have a flat rate for doing anything fine you list that and you charge it regardless if it took you 10 minutes or 20 minutes or 30 minutes you don’t lie and say it took an

It’s crazy to me that I can’t just hide shows I don’t want to see. Amazon and Netflix just keep showing me the same stuff. On Netflix, even if I give something thumbs down it’s still around. I shouldn’t have to give something thumbs down just to get rid of it anyway. Why God why?

But China already has tariffs on US cars. How is more or less efficiency going to help or hurt?

Aren’t just saw a little easier little cheaper to make? I don’t know why anybody would want a manuel unless you’re young and happened to live and work where there’s no traffic and or traffic stops.

Yeah the Honda Avalanche was a pretty interesting take on a pickup truck.

“That can okay as long as” ?