
Well if you’re on the up-and-up it doesn’t sound like you’re really doing your job if they’re all just storming out on you. Is it that hard to just go over the numbers and Kelley Blue Book and tell them that you just can’t go that low cuz you’ll lose money? I think the bigger problem is your dealership and others that

I think there maybe some truth to this but and it’s a big but it all depends on what the dealer got the car for. When the dealer gets the car they’re going to do the same Shenanigans like a dealer sale is $4,000 less than a person-to-person sale so they’re going to try to get that and more. You just have to do your

Costs and production volume are problem. Range could be fixed but it’s still an issue. And then you’ve got the culture of loud noisy bikes for people that like to be loud and noisy and annoy other people. Maybe they can stick a loudspeaker on it and it can go vroom vroom vroom really loudly when they push a button.

But I can’t order the one I want. I want the dual motors and the smaller battery.

And like always they missed the point on many things. Like the lawyers could have got out using the Falcon Wing doors. And the fact that there’s a much much much less expensive version that’s just a little bit slower.

Nope, noise pollution is real and most people don’t like listing to the inconsiderate folks that makes their cars and motorcycles loud on propose.

Honda Avalanche is a great truck, very Innovative and super inexpensive.

Nope, things like lidar and increasing CPU processing power are going to outstrip what any human distracted by their phone the radio and  or another passenger can handle.

I don’t think that’ll happen. The data and camera footage will rule them all. You can’t just have a better story or look more conscientious anymore. There will be historical data logs and footage of you passing on the right too soon and getting in an accident.

I just wish the darn thing would let you hide shows you’ve already seen and or never want to see instead it keeps showing you the same programs over and over and over again. Never want to see it rate it down too bad we’re going to keep showing it to you and we’re going to start hiding reviews and ratings. All this

Oops... Posted to other.

They’ve been making more and more for decades and the buying power and salaries and the adjusted for inflation minimum wage has been going down. But just give them even more money and maybe they’ll give a little bit more back, maybe.

I think if you can like turn tuff off for a time before you sleep will be just as good. Also, take a moment for several deep slow breaths several times a day and before bed.

I think if you can like turn tuff off for a time before you sleep will be just as good. Also, take a moment for

Either way, they are still burning random concoctions of various chemicals and plant matters and then forcing those around them to breathe it in. Rationalize all you like, it still gross and dangerous. Even IV users have the decency to keep it to themselves.

But how will I bug and torture those around me if I don’t smell of and or I’m not blowing smoke in their face and forcing others to partake in my disgusting habit?

Cuz all racism is bad and all racism makes things worse. Is Black Lives Matter the KKK? No. Is st making things worse? Yes. Have horrible things been done in its name by confuse people that don’t understand the real meaning or the best way to make things better? Some think so.

I was kinda hoping Google would do to the home security camera what it did to the cellphone with Project FI. Project FI is not perfect for everyone one but at the time it came out I signed up as soon as I could. I’m single and thus screwed by almost everything and the cellphone carriers were no exception. Paid around

I was kinda hoping Google would do to the home security camera what it did to the cellphone with Project FI. Project

So now other car company gets sweetheart deals and tax breaks and bailouts?

Porsche don’t have paint problems and squeaks and rattles and porous engine blocks and so on, all those folks were lying about all that stuff over the years? I mean the artists Renditions of that Porsche electric do look cool but they and others have been promising for how many years now and once Tesla gets hundreds

What happens when they get good enough to print another printer?

What happens when they get good enough to print another printer?