Ew, gross, humans work there. All that matters is how they handle it. Do they try and stamp it out or Trump it up.
Ew, gross, humans work there. All that matters is how they handle it. Do they try and stamp it out or Trump it up.
Nope. How does that counter the fact that IP law is joke over there and that China should not have most favored nation and or developing nation trade status with the west? Wester companies are blocked unless they partner with a Chinese owned company. The likes of Apple and Ford keep doing everything they ask,…
But that’s what she do. China forces companies to partner with them takes their IP and then tries to force those companies out. They were never IP friendly to begin with and what little they are depends on the Western companies that are still there. Numerous companies have tried to sue Chinese companies in China over…
But how will I annoy my neighbors and let them know how tiny my weiner is if I can’t rev my engine and idle my truck outside their window, filling their house with exhaust? Now sad. :(
There you go, it’s what you wanted to do all along... No, you really should talk to someone. A razer sharp mind like yours needs regular tuning. Still literally wrong literally like don’t understand literally what was said but hey you get to attack someone and try to feel like your better than others.
No, you really should talk to someone. A razer sharp mind like yours needs regular tuning. Still literally wrong literally like don’t understand literally what was said but hey you get to attack someone and try to feel like your better than others.
You’re the one that sounds like you have issues. Everything you’ve said literally means you need psychiatric help... Good grief, never mind.
Seems like this we just leave hair everywhere right. It’s not like a Norelco that pulls their hair in and then cuts it?
Seems like this we just leave hair everywhere right. It’s not like a Norelco that pulls their hair in and then cuts…
Girl used to mean young boy and boy has often been used to describe a young man. Adult males and females will often talk about girls and boys they like without any real concern about the age of the adult person they’re describing. I’m saying you’re wrong about the definition of pedophile and young girl. Way to go on…
I know we are talking about bad stuff here but you are incorrect. Girls and boys are the sex not the specific age. Even to say young girl or boy is not specific enough. What he did and what happened was totally wrong. I’m just talking about the terminology, pedophile is prepubescent. That it is totally wrong and…
Young girls doesn’t mean pedophile and women do have sex with underage boys. Are were you not trying to say that only men break laws and are there no women that would have sex with young girls?
“America loves white people is all I’m saying” = racist nonsense. No one would have cared if it was a bunch of _________ is racist nonsense. Stop being racist, stop making it easy for racist to be racist. Guns kill people, is a fact. “America loves white people is all I’m saying” is not a fact. Some of us, more than…
No need to bring racist nonsense into this. All your doing is making it easier for true racist to recruit more. Needless loss of life is bad ok, let’s get everyone we can onboard. Even if many of those at a country music concert kind of got what they... Oh man it’s hard not to not to but we must do it for the greater…
Don’t get me wrong, I’m totally glad you guys did it but you really need to look in the history of how it really came about and those that paid the price to make it happen. Unless the documentary I watched on it many many years ago was a total fabrication your way under playing the difficulty and the Aussie gun nuts.…
So what’s your point it’s only sexist and wrong when it happens to a female. Like everyone involved with the new Wonder Woman movie are bunch of sexist and ageist pieces of shit because they didn’t give Linda Carter the role.
Total BS but it does keep the war of the sexes going. Yeah all guys are a hundred percent sexist all the time all day all night long. We’re all just sexist against women all the time, everything is sexist against women.
Right, there’s not plenty of blame to go around. Women are always going for a super classy, kind, intelligent and interesting guys. Right...