
Go to hell, Costas.

Michael Fassbender meets David Bowie in the trailer for Alien: Covenant

I'm looking forward to joining you, finally

Hey, it's Darren, from Kramerica Industries!

I've always thought he kinda looked like a real-life Milhouse in Addams Family Values.. thought I might share that, it's been on my mind for years.

Gilfoyle just shows up, says like, two words, and I'm cracking up.

Dinesh's expression right after that was *priceless*

The Laurietron 6000: "I've made an error".

-All the way to the waist

I think it was supposed to be like that MSQRD thing that's all the rage nowadays? There's literally one app on my phone, I really don't know what I'm talking about..

Ehh she just irks me. I get completely lost with the corporate mumbo jumbo on this show, and her scenes are all about that, so maybe that's part of the problem..

The mustache bit had me in stitches, Middleditch is so good at playing uncomfortable..
Also, Laurie needs to go, can't stand her.

Trespasser, the world wasn't ready.. Also, the game wasn't ready, but whatever: dinosaurs, cool physics, John Hammond's memories, and boobs.

He's pretty much the only stand up comedian I enjoy. Every time someone's said "check this guy/chick out, fucking hilarious!", I ended up feeling I wasted and hour and a half on a special I barely remembered by the end of the day. Can't say I've delved too deep into stand up comedy, but all the Mulaneys, C.Ks,

"Oh, germs. Germs! GERMS!"
-David Puddy

"Rebecca De Mornay".. her "why don't you just drop off some chicken skins and lobster shells!?" line in "The Muffin Tops" cracks me up every time. Plus, the fact that she's called Rebecca De Mornay, for whatever reason.

I seem to recall several "So yeah, day 59873 of this haha I want to die somebody kill me" type of "jokes" from Jackson and company in those video blogs they posted every couple of months, and a general lack of enthusiasm from everyone involved, so the writing was on the wall.. Still, troubled production and all, I

Nothing groundbreaking, but it certainly isn't the cinematic atrocity I kept reading it was. I'm pretty sure some people the exact same movie would be considered some sort of new cult classic had it been made by a hip, obscure director instead of this week's punching bag (ahem, Snowpiercer). The urge to call out a

The abduction/test sequences from Fire in the Sky still unsettle me.. I mean, no problem finishing them, but they come pretty close to my idea of a complete nightmare.

Which roughly translates to Godzilla: Macho Business Monkey Wrestler.